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升级你的防毒软件。Update your virus scan.

我熟视无睹地拿余光一扫而过。I turned out to get a scan.

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我们的提请一如扫瞄的档案。Our request as per scan file.

你可不可以帮我扫瞄那些照片?Can you scan those photos for me?

这使得这个列表非常容易被扫描。This makes the list easy to scan.

我的手指扫描着一本盲文书。My fingers scan a book in braille.

有些人可能会把它收发,扫描。Someone might mail it and scan it.

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另加作心电图或骨质密度二选一项检查。And plus either E. K. G. or bone scan.

你需要复印还是扫描?Do you need just a photocopy or a scan?

扫描了非数字字符。Scan off non-numeric leading characters.

该查询计划显示了一个全表扫描。This query plan shows a full table scan.

这是一个自动扫描西格玛计算机。This is an automatic scan SIGMA computer.

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升级你的病毒库并扫描杀毒Update and scan your computer for viruses

第一件事是将它扫描到电脑。First thing really do is scan it. Alright.

搜索每一本期刊,找出任何暗码。Scan each new issue, find any hidden codes.

指定键的硬件扫描码。Specifies a hardware scan code for the key.

博拉鲁兹明天将接受扫描检查。Khalid Boulahrouz will have a scan tomorrow.

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脑侧面扫描显示了一个脑肿瘤。A side-view brain scan reveals a brain tumor.

在MGH进行扫描,并研究扫描过程。Scan at MGH. Learn about the scanning process.

更好的方法就是使用键索引扫描。A better approach is to use the key-index scan.