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这种洗发剂有助于去头屑。This shampoo helps to get rid of scurf.

这些猴子正在互相找寻皮毛中的皮屑。The monkeys are searching each other's fur for scurf.

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要是没有你,今天的心情只是昨天的头皮屑。Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's.

没有你,今日的心情就只是昨日的头皮屑。Without you, today's emotions, would be the scurf of yesterday's.

含天然竹提取物,清爽、祛屑止痒配方。Contains natural extracts, bamboo, relaxed, dispel scurf anti-pruritic formula.

实际上我们经常面临的却是平凡的工作,锁屑的事务,人生事实就是如此。In fact we often face is ordinary work, lock scurf affairs, life that's how it is.

叶水朱华,如果没有你,今天的情绪只会是昨天剩下的琐碎。Ye shui zhu hua, without you, today ' s emotions would be the scurf of yesterday ' s.

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然后,用硬直毛刷去除马毛里脱落的毛发、灰尘和皮屑。Then use a stiff-bristled dandy brush to remove the loose hair, dirt, and scurf from the horse's coat.

头皮屑可以遗传,但什么原因导致了片状东西的产生还是一个谜。The scurf can inherit, but the reason why caused the creation of slice-like in shape thing still a riddle.

用啤酒洗发可治疗头皮瘙痒、头屑过多,同时还有润泽毛发的作用。Wash with beer send medicable scalp Sao urticant, scurf is overmuch, still have the effect of moist hair at the same time.

吸尘器可以除去常规梳洗方法难以去除、藏在又厚又长的皮屑和灰尘。A vacuum removes the scurf and dirt in longer, thicker coats that is difficult to dislodge by conventional grooming methods.

用去屑产品替代常规洗发水,一旦头皮屑清除,就换回常规洗发水。Use the scraps product act for normal regulations to shampoo water, once the scurf clears, change normal regulations to once shampoo water.

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因出料口过小,在带温出料时,出料开始时会产生严重挤压和磨擦而产生皮屑。Because the discharging mouth is over small, when discharging with higher temperature, it is also easy to bring scurf for bad extrusion and attrition.

贮料棚为钢质结构,主要以贮存焦炭,铁屑和球团矿为主,硅石为露天存放。The buffer storage shed is of steel structure, mainly storing coke, iron scurf and spheric agglomeration. The silica shall be stored on exposed place.

用吸尘器清理马匹可以去除马身上的灰尘、皮垢和皮屑,也可以将马房空气中的垃圾减到最少,使梳洗环境对于刷马者和马来说更加健康。Vacuuming a horse remove dirt, dander, and scurf and minimizes the amount of debris that is in the air, making the grooming environment much healthier for both the groom and the horse.