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体操运动员有这么强的控制力和纪律性。control and discipline.

财政纪律松驰。Financial discipline is lax.

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他读讲戒律的文章。He read sermons on discipline.

没有监督,没有条令。No supervision. No discipline.

军队的纪律严明啊。So much for the army discipline.

如此行事为一种大的纲纪。Such work is a great discipline.

他不讲体面,也没有规矩。He has no decency, no discipline.

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这支军队纪律严明。The army is strict in discipline.

这需要极度严格的纪律。This requires extreme discipline.

军人必须学会遵守纪律。Soldiers have to learn discipline.

有组织,无纪律。An organization without discipline.

纪律能帮到你的始终有限。Discipline will only get you so far.

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它还需要有奉献精神,纪律性。It requires commitment and discipline.

人人都应遵守法纪。Everybody must obey law and discipline.

我抛弃了城里的那些清规戒律。I shook off the discipline of the city.

综合实践活动是一门新型学科。Synthesis practice is a new discipline.

对称重纪律处分。Weighing discipline against punishment.

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但是愚蠢的人看不起智慧和准则。but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

军人应守严格纪律。An armyman must be under tight discipline.

惩处不守纪律的同事。Discipline my coworker who is out of line.