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而且,太太特罗特似乎长大了她的工作感到厌烦。And, Missus Trotter seemed to have grown tired of her job.

煮上大约15分钟。Add in enough water to cover the trotter and cook for about 15 minutes.

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但是电话打过来的时候,Trotter正在给两个孩子洗澡。But the phone call comes while Trotter is giving her two children a bath.

如果Trotter有个固定的网络连接,可能就不会有这个问题。This wouldn't be such a problem if Trotter had a regular Internet connection.

满世界跑新闻的电视记者艾伦·威克在埃及差点儿被一群愤怒的暴徒活活烧死。TV globe- trotter Alan Whicker was nearly burned alive by an angry mob in Egypt.

早晨,上班前时先加低温煲着的猪蹄汤,已经香气四溢了。Morning before work when the temperature before adding the soup pot with the trotter has scented a.

有几天,Trotter一直在等一个保险公司人事部门的电话。For days, Trotter has been waiting on a call from a woman in the HR department at a security company.

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他们相信太太特罗特可以信任,它是安全的留在她的名字的钱。They were sure that Missus Trotter could be trusted and that it was safe to leave the money in her name.

将汤水与猪蹄一起从高压锅转至锅里,烧开后,加入干辣椒,用盐调味。Transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. Add in dried chili and flavoured with salt.

她只想让Trotter知道,一旦她收到她的求职信,她相信Trotter就是这个工作的合适人选。She just wanted to let Trotter know that once she receives her application, she'll make sure it gets to the right person.

将汤水与猪蹄一起从高压锅转至锅里,烧开后,加入干辣椒,用盐调味。Transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. Add in dried chilies and flavoured with salt.

只是你不知道,”Trotter说,“这当中有很多不确定因素,我也知道对于像我这样的人来说,这需要付出代价。”You just don't know," Trotter says. "There's so much uncertainty, and I know for a person like me, it really takes a toll.

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那些所谓敬畏上帝的子民,沉迷在酒精,性爱,赌博之中,我根本连个手指都不用动。So trotter built it, and, man, did they come. Supposedly god-fearing folk, waist-deep in booze, sex, gambling. I barely lifted a finger.

猪蹄放入高压锅里,入水没过蹄子,加入香菇,姜片,葱段,料酒,2种酱油和八角。Removeplace the trotter in a pressure cooker together with the dried mushrooms, ginger slices, spring onion, rice wine, soya saucesstar anise.

猪蹄放入高压锅里,入水没过蹄子,加入香菇,姜片,葱段,料酒,2种酱油和八角。Remove and place the trotter in a pressure cooker together with the dried mushrooms, ginger slices, spring onion, rice wine, soya sauces and star anise.

小火烧至猪蹄软烂,大火收至汤汁浓稠即可出锅,洒上一些葱花装饰。Reduce the heat and continue to simmer until the sauce turns thick and the trotter is cooked through. Dish out and sprinkle with some chopped spring onions.

成为英国历史上排名第四的欧洲百万乐透大奖得主之后,特罗特和他33岁的女友尼基奥特维低调地喝了两瓶啤酒来庆祝。After becoming the fourth-biggest lottery winners in British history, Mr Trotter and his partner Nicky Ottaway, 33, celebrated modestly with two bottles of beer.

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作为詹姆斯比尔德基金会的杰出餐馆奖,查理特罗特和他的服务人员来说是什么许多人认为是美国最优秀的餐厅赢家。As winner of the James Beard Foundation's Outstanding Restaurant Award, Charlie Trotter and his service staff run what many consider to be America's finest restaurant.

“我只需要一个小时写个求职书,”Trotter绝望地向她男友喊道,“当你不在家的时候,我没办法弄着这个,因为你有你自己的电话。”"I just need an hour to do some applications," Trotter says in a desperate voice to her boyfriend. "It's not like I can do it when you're not here, because you have your phone.

说明了中式产品塑盒装走油蹄的工艺流程和配方,着重阐述了其工艺操作中的技术要点和产品质量要求。The formula and processing technology of box-packaged Chinese-style oiled trotter are de-tailed. Emphases are laid on the technical points and quality requirements for this product.