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有关此评论有个播客。There is a podcast of this commentary.

对于这样的评论,有一个很明显的需求。There is clearly a demand for such commentary.

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其余的,正如阿尔提斯大师所说,只是些注释而已。The rest, as Master Altis said, was commentary.

这就是为什么我要写关于他的评论文章。That's why I wrote my critical commentary on him.

位于评论席上或前的专用摄像机。A remote-controlled camera in a commentary position.

汤姆对足球赛进行实况广播报道。Tom kept ups running commentary on the football game.

语音解说了本场比赛类似电视的播出。Voice commentary for a TV-like broadcast of the match.

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生态学家在自然日志的评论中这样说道。So say ecologists in a commentary in the journalNature.

文章的第二章为文献评论。The second chapter of article is literature commentary.

诠释圣经的最佳方式,就是过敬虔的生活。The most valuable commentary on the Bible is a godly life.

文中也对该方法存在的问题进行了分析和评述。This paper have simple commentary about the problem in it.

这个评论不应该只是被认为是内容的复述。This commentary is not to be considered as a reduplication.

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所以在义注里才提到初五为布萨日。Thus the fifth Uposatha day is mentioned in the Commentary.

由作者马克。鲍顿和电影剧本改编肯。诺兰的评论。Commentary by author Mark Bowden and screenwriter Ken Nolan.

比较保罗·克鲁格曼和基思·亨尼西的评论。Contrast the commentary of Paul Krugman and Keith Hennessey.

消息一出,网上相关评论在短时间内爆棚。News, on-line related commentary in a short time full house.

这看起来好像故意跟一般评论唱离奇的反调。This will appear a strange reversal of the usual commentary.

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主张文艺批评也是创作。Proposing that artistic commentary is also artistic creation.

上述科学评论仅代表梅格·厄里的个人观点。The opinions in this commentary are solely those of Meg Urry.

配以质量不高但偶尔信息量丰富的注释。Videos come with cheesy, but sometimes informative commentary.