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这就是所谓的盲文文盲。It is called Braille illiteracy.

我的手指扫描着一本盲文书。My fingers scan a book in braille.

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在一所盲人学校,安妮学了布莱叶盲文。A lot of the blind can read the Braille.

他已经把那本书译成了盲文。He has transcribed that book into braille.

盲人用手指点字阅读。The blind read braille with their fingers.

另一个选择是盲文翻译设备。Another option is a Braille rendering device.

对她来说,盲文是教育的基石。For her, Braille is a cornerstone of education.

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有一次,布莱叶在一群人前演讲。One time, Braille spoke before a group of people.

路易斯·布拉耶于1809年1月4日生于法国。Louis Braille was born on January 4,1809, in Frane.

请把滑鼠移向点字,以浏览更多网站内容。Please move cursor on Braille to navigate this site.

直到1932年英语国家才普遍接受布拉耶盲字。A Braille code for English was not adopted until 1932.

在一所盲人学校,安妮学了布莱叶盲文。At an institution for the blind, Annie learned braille.

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他们阅读布莱叶盲文的速度也最快。They were also the fastest Braille readers in the group.

只有在美国。开着车取钱的自动柜员机刻有盲文。Do they have drive-up ATM machines with Braille lettering.

盲文开创了教育契机的新世界。Braille opened up a new world of possibility and education.

最棒的是,我们还有自己的盲文图书馆。The best part, we had our own library with books in Braille.

今天,布拉耶盲字已用于全世界几乎每一种语言。Today, Braille is in nearly every language around the world.

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盲文是识字和就业成功的保障。Braille is attached to literacy and to success in employment.

布莱叶还为数学和音乐研制了一种符号系统。Braille worked out a system of marks for mathematics and music.

将已经发表的作品改成盲文出版。To transliterate from a published work into Braille for publication.