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知道的人更少了Fewer people do.

写入磁盘的字节数更少。Fewer bytes written to disk.

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丹尼尔的光盘比基蒂少。Daniel has fewer CDs than Kitty.

这样可以少占有三行空间。This takes up three fewer lines.

更少的人去江边。Fewer people can go to riverside.

猫的腿比虫子的腿少。A cat has fewer legs than an insect.

少买东西就可以少刷信用卡少负债。Buying fewer things means less debt.

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来的人较我们预料的少。Fewer have come than we anticipated.

青蛙比睡莲叶子多。There are fewer frogs than lily pad.

还有他们也少生孩子。They are also having fewer children.

猫的腿比虫子的腿少。A cat have fewer legs than an insect.

或者说,至少会看到更少的此类异常。Or at least plan to see fewer of them.

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大多数的歌词只有150字或更少。Most lyrics contain 150 or fewer words.

而长期债券则相对较少there are comparatively fewer of bonds.

越来越多的资金流向了更少的风投公司。More dollars are flowing to fewer firms.

未来将会有更少的树吗?Will there be fewer trees in the future ?

但是那样怎么能够少生孩子?But how would that produce fewer children?

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和音乐剧比,戏剧卖出的票较少。Plays sell fewer tickets than musicals do.

那么,如要我交的税少,我就会存钱。See, if I paid fewer taxes, Id save money.

每天的日照时间较短。There are fewer hours of sunlight per day.