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这就叫进退两难。This is the dilemma.

这可是一个两头不能讨好的难题。It is a no-win dilemma.

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所以你将左右为难。So now you see the dilemma.

所以,Kay陷入了进退两难的窘境。So Kay has been in a dilemma.

洛瑞理解这个困境。Lowry understands the dilemma.

也有许多人都面临着这样的进退两难的处境。Many people face this dilemma.

这就造成了另一个困境。This creates yet another dilemma.

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真的曾有过两难之境吗?Was there ever a genuine dilemma?

就是囚徒困境This is called Prisoner's Dilemma.

这就是我们困境的根本所在。Here is the essence of our dilemma.

困境给人很大的难题。The dilemma presented quite a poser.

王芳发现自己陷入了进退两难的地步。Wang Fang found herself in a dilemma.

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一语道破了我们这个时代的困境。Wilson captures the dilemma of our era.

煤电联动机制大打折扣,陷入两难境地。Coal power linkage system, in a dilemma.

老师确实陷入进退两难的境地。Teachers are indeed caught in a dilemma.

这就是当前困境的症结所在。This is the crux of the present dilemma.

版权保护解决了这个难题。Copyright protection solves this dilemma.

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我写在那里了,囚徒困境It's written there, the Prisoners' Dilemma.

另一方面,这让我们陷入两难困境。On the other hand, this gives us a dilemma.

朱孝廉自己也陷入了爱情的困境,难以脱身。Zhu himself gets tangled in a love dilemma.