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而我们,这一群老男孩,不还是在颓废之中虚度光阴吗?And we, a group of old boys, not in decadence in wasted time?

显然应该是时候把社会包容置于目空一切的糜烂浮华之前了。Time, surely, to put social inclusion before defiant decadence.

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我前面说过我们的语言的堕落很可能还有救。I said earlier that the decadence of our language is probably curable.

时日一到,罗马矫饰的颓废气味终将难以遮掩。In time, the foul odor of Roman decadence would grow harder to disguise.

塔姆西是个有钱人,过着放纵而颓废的生活。Tamsin is rich, spoilt and trying to live a life of seductive decadence.

我们还需要更多证据来说明西方统治阶级的衰落吗?What more proof do we need of the decadence of the Western governing class?

几个头是象征性的衰落和压迫,和并且异端邪说。Several heads were symbolic of decadence and oppression, and also of heresy.

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他是密切相关的文学运动的象征主义与颓废。He was closely associated with the literary movement of Symbolism and Decadence.

在这个退化的时代,生火的艺术也在地球上被人遗忘了。In this decadence , too, the art of fire-making had been forgotten on the earth.

这里拥抱着某种颓废和狂放,让它有别于埃及的其它地方。It embraced a decadence and an abandon that set it apart from the rest of Egypt.

我不要你颓废、空虚、迷茫、糟践自己、伤害别人。I do not want you decadence and emptiness, confusion, Zaojian themselves, hurt others.

陆瀍,登贞元元年进士第,官给事中。诗一首。Lu Chan, Tang Zhen Yuan first year Scholars section, official Decadence. Write a poem.

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结果格立高圣歌在中世纪末完全衰落。As a result, Gregorian chant fell into complete decadence by the end of the Middle Ages.

我忽然发现自己的表情从颓废变为恐怖,眼里的血丝仿佛火焰般的狰狞。Suddenly I found myself face from decadence to terror, eyes like flaming ferocious bloodshot.

少年犯的堕落首先是由他们的家庭造成的、然后才是由社会造成的。The decadence of young offenders is always firstly caused by their families and then society.

可以在旅馆里抽烟是简直是一种堕落,勾起了我极大的烟瘾。The sheer decadence of being able to smoke inside triggers a massive craving for a cigarette.

唯有意志非常坚强的人才能挺身熬过纷扰不安、道德败坏的时代。Only men of great resolution can stand up and survive times of trouble and spiritual decadence.

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美国事唯逐个个间接自蛮横入进颓丧、两头没有经由文化阶段的社会。America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.

美国是唯一一个直接从野蛮进入颓废、中间没有经过文明阶段的社会。America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.

伊朗政府一直对领带这种西方颓废文化的象征深恶痛绝。Iran's government has long been hostile to neckties, which is seen as a symbol of Western decadence.