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我没有敲门就进去了。I entered without knocking.

我听到有人拍门。I can hear someone knocking.

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我猜想着谁在敲门。I wondered who was knocking.

我已经听到了新世界的叩门声。I can already hear it knocking.

撞门的人停了下来。The man who was knocking paused.

他们正在拆掉那堵墙。They are knocking the wall down.

一个战争受到在你的门上爆震音的影响。A war came knocking on your door.

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他的两腿直发抖。His knees were knocking together.

别挑挑剔剔的了,我受够了。Stop knocking. I'm fed up with it.

有人在敲窗子。Somebody is knocking on the window.

贿赂毋须敲门然而入。A bribe will enter without knocking.

咱们敲敲后边的门试试。Let's try knocking at the back door.

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他们为什么在拆墙?。Why are they knocking down the wall?

你爷爷还健在吗?Is your grandpa still knocking about?

为什么不试着敲敲后门呢?Why not try knocking at the back door?

雨轻轻弹朱红色的窗。Soft rain is knocking at the red window.

她对我说,“门已紧锁,敲有何用?She said, “Stop knocking on closed doors.

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像是有人在敲门。It sounds like sb.'s knocking on the door.

推门之前应先敲门。Never open a closed door without knocking.

我通过驳斥他的论点挫败了他。I defeated him by knocking down his argument.