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其结果就是军队拥有无与伦比的军事技能。The result is a military of unsurpassed skill.

我祈祷所有的生命获得无上正等正觉。I pray that all will gain unsurpassed Enlightenment.

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我国有得天独厚的自然资源。My country is blessed with unsurpassed natural resources.

办理业务这么公平,真的谁也比不上你。Your fairness in business dealings is really unsurpassed.

您处理这桩索赔案如此公平,真是谁也比不上。Your fairness in settling this claim is really unsurpassed.

我相信它们的新鲜度与甜度是无人可比的。I'm sure the freshness and sweetness of my fruits are unsurpassed.

众所周知,自然之中,唯有人眼的复杂是无与伦比的。The complexity of human eyes is unsurpassed in nature as we know it.

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这类人,在20,000劫后,就会达到完全的觉悟。This person, after 20,000 kalpas, attains unsurpassed Enlightenment.

在服务及活动的多样性方面,其他景点要比芭堤雅逊色得多。It is unsurpassed in the variety of services and activities available.

自言满足无上菩提。大妄语成。They claim to have perfected unsurpassed Bodhi , thus uttering a great lie.

由于说如来是非创造的,一个人获得了无上觉悟。By saying that the Tathagata is an Uncreate , one gains unsurpassed Enlightenment.

这是把一个运动队变为不可逾越的冠军的那种方法。It's the kind of approach that turns an athletic team into an unsurpassed champion.

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C-130有着卓越的性能,广泛的用途和高超的效率。The C-130 Hercules has unsurpassed versatility, performance, and mission effectiveness.

福克纳的戏剧性、生动逼真的作品在小说界从未被超越过。The dramatic force and vividness of Faulkner's best work is unsurpassed in modern fiction.

听到你这么痛快地同意了.我很高兴.办理业务这么公平.真是无法比啊.我们将寄信让你们确认好吗?Your fairness in business dealing is unsurpassed. Shall we send you a letter confirming this?

他的教学有对哲学所有伟大的希腊和罗马学校的未被超越的影响。His teachings had unsurpassed influence on all the great Greek and Roman schools of philosophy.

戴瑞米克公司还致力向高端蓄电池隔板技术领域提供卓越的专家技术方案。Daramic is committed to delivering unsurpassed expertise in advanced battery separator technology.

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游客们成群结队地登上城堡的高塔和城墙,那里提供了无与伦比的城市俯瞰视野。Tourists flock to the castle's towers and ramparts , which offer unsurpassed views of the city below.

永生者们拥有极其卓越的力量、知识及技巧,在他们各自的领地实行着至高无上的统治。The ancient powers rule supreme in their particular bastions, unsurpassed in power, knowledge and ability.

他是一个无与伦比的护卫者,并且非常擅长于狩猎和牧牛。An unsurpassed guardian of properties, it also instinctively indulges in big game hunting and cattle herding.