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现在我们一文不名了。Now we are penniless.

其实他身无分文。He is in reality penniless.

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很多人可能宁愿身无分文也不愿离开手机。Many people would rather be penniless.

如果连心都丢了,我将会是一败涂地。If I lose heart, I will be a penniless failure.

她经常身无分文定期受饿。She was often penniless and regularly went hungry.

霍先生身无分文回到兰州,但最终没能呆下去。Huo returned to Lanzhou penniless but couldn't stay.

不名一钱这则成语是比喻极度贫穷。This idiom is a metaphor of be penniless in extreme poverty.

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赛伯亚一贫如洗,为自己无休止的不幸而悲痛地哭泣。Saibya was penniless and wept bitterly at her unending misfortunes.

当他的妈妈死于1884年时,杜博斯只有16岁大而且身无分文。When his mother died in 1884, Du Bois was 16 years old and penniless.

事实上许多著名的影星就是从身无分文的不起眼的跑龙套的开始的。Actually many famous movie stars begin with tiny and penniless walk-on.

如果你继续像现在这样挥霍钱财,你一个月后就会身无分文。S7. If you spend money like this, you will find yourself penniless in a month.

广州市第八人民医院内,于得明身上不名一文。The Eighth People's Hospital of Guangzhou, the penniless in a prescribed body.

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那个穿着讲究,外表和谈吐都像百万富翁的人却身无分文。A well-dressed man , who looked and talked like a millionaire, turned out to penniless.

1949年,一贫如洗的庞齐在里约热内卢过世,并葬于当地的一所公墓中。He died penniless in Rio de Janeiro in 1949 and was buried in a pauper’s cemetery there.

如果他追随自己的兴趣,他就要失去继承权而不名一文。If he pursued his own interest, he would be disowned by his father and become penniless.

可皇马一次反击成功,我们只落得个两手空空。But Realmadrid one time counter-attacks successfully, we only end up to turn out to be penniless.

接下来像大多数这类故事的情节一样,在一文不名的时候,他发现连朋友也没有了。As generally happens in such cases, the moment he was penniless he found that he was friendless too.

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走出法庭后他告诉宋律师,再也不娶身无分文的女人了。As they stepped out of the courtroom, he told Song that he would never again marry a penniless woman.

两个绑架者身无分文又毫无经验,所以很快就被警察捉拿归案。The two kidnappers were penniless and new at the game, so they were promptly apprehended by the police.

我第一次认真的恋情是和一个身无分文的古典吉他手,他住在伊斯灵顿的小阁楼上。My first serious love affair was with a penniless classical guitarist who lived in a garret in Islington.