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羲,晚上好!Good evening !

比如晚间新闻。Likethe evening news.

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晚上好,欢迎光临。Good evening and welcome.

他们欢宴了一个晚上。They feasted all evening.

那天晚上下了小雨。It sprinkled that evening.

喔,晚上好,方先生。?。Oh, good evening. Mr Fang.

昏星就是金星The Evening Star is Venus.

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你晚上都在忙些什么?What do you do in evening?

今天晚上有什么电视节目?What’s on TV this evening?

歌用法语唱起来好唱。A song sung in the evening.

他将于今天傍晚到达。He's arriving this evening.

那天晚上我时来运转了。That evening my lucks turns.

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晚上的时候他会看电视。He watches TV in the evening.

晚上就是散步。In the evening was the paseo.

近黄昏时,开始起风了。The wind woke toward evening.

你们也开设夜茶吗?Do you have evening tea hours?

晚上我们有个跳舞会。In the evening we had a dance.

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那是一个天朗气清的秋天的黄昏。It was a crisp autumn evening.

她主持晚间新闻。She anchored the evening news.

我们下午六点进晚餐。学习请喝茶。We have supper at six evening.