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锌矿砂及其精矿。Zinc ores and concentrates.

过氧化钡加锌粉。Barium peroxide and zinc dust.

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锌合金压铸阀体。Die cast zinc alloy valve body.

锌金属的偏好。Zinc is the metal of preference.

HDPE及优质镀锌钢钉。HDPE with zinc coated steel nail.

锌和蛋白质摄入量是足够的。Zinc and protein intakes are adequate.

铜与锌熔合后形成黄铜。Copper and zinc are fused to make brass.

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锌素过量还经常出现铁的褪绿症。Excess zinc often produces iron chlorosis.

男性每天需要9.5毫克的锌,女性则需要7毫克。Men need 9.5mg of zinc a day and women 7mg.

锌合金表壳表带电镀IP黑色。Zinc alloy plating watchcase IP black strap.

锌置换了稀酸中的氢。Zinc displaces the hydrogen of dilute acids.

我们的洗发精和防晒霜也包含锌的成份。We use zinc in shampoo and sunblock products.

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锌不仅是碳酸酚酶。Zinc is not only phenol oxidase in carbonate.

锌合金的表壳,无镍电镀PNP。Watchcase zinc alloy, nickel-free plating PNP.

绿颜色。芯线与60大湄公河次区域锌涂层。Green color. Core wire with 60 gms zinc coating.

锌液与冷却管是不相容的。Liquid Zinc is not compatible with cooling pipe.

那种已尽迹的珍异的鸟的羽毛中含锌。The extinct exotic bird's feather contains zinc.

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那种已绝迹的珍奇的鸟的羽毛中含锌.The extinct exotic bird’s feather contains zinc.

高锌日粮法的效果优于饥饿法。High zinc method is better than starvation method.

铅、铁、铜、锡和锌都是基本金属。Lead, iron, copper, tin, and zinc are base metals.