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阿纳金藏起了他的笑容。Anakin hid his grin.

他藏在干草垛里。He hid in the hay stack.

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他上去然后躲在那So he went up and he hid.

他躲在一间小屋子里。He hid himself in a cottage.

皮诺奇躲在一面墙后面。Pinocchio hid behind a wall.

他们就躲入小洞里。They hid in the little hole.

你藏起你那面最大的镜子。You hid your biggest mirror.

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爱情和咳嗽是不能掩饰的。Love and cough cannot be hid.

他们飞快地跑开躲躲起来。They ran away quickly and hid.

爱情和咳嗽是藏不住的。Love and a cough cannot be hid.

鹅群几乎把水面盖了。The geese almost hid the water.

他们把密电码藏在一棵树下。They hid the code under a tree.

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她以假身分作掩护。She hid behind a false identity.

其他的动物则藏在帐篷附近。The others hid near Bear's tipi.

我把钱藏在一处隐密的地方。I hid my money in a secret place.

娡米影在高高的草丛中。The rabbit hid in the high grass.

宽阔的帽檐遮住了他的脸。The wide hat's brim hid his face.

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小恶棍藏了我的拖鞋。The little villain hid my slippers.

月亮把她的脸藏在云里。The moon hid her face in the cloud.

然后你藏起她的衣服和鞋子。Then you hid her clothes and shoes.