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所收到的基准。ARB As Received Basis.

谁收到了我的电子贺卡?Who received my e-card?

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我收到一份无线电报。I received a radio message.

今年您收到红包了吗?Have you received any bonus?

我收到了你的信。I have received your letter.

你收到我的短信了吗?Have you received my message?

他受到很重的科罚。He received a heavy sentence.

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他被痛打一顿。He received a severe beating.

他已被允许加入这个俱乐部。He was received into the club.

我收到一缸子的信件。I received a batch of letters.

我刚收到一份电报。I've just received a telegram.

我刚刚收到他的回信。I have just received his reply.

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学员对课程很受落。The courses were well received.

那出戏获得了好评。The play received good notices.

你收到她的请贴了吗?Did yor received her invitation?

每只猫接受30到50个受精卵。Each cat received 30 to 50 eggs.

我收到了一些好笑的漫画。I've received some funny comics.

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她收到一张邀请卡。She received an invitation card.

我们收到了一封致歉信。We received a letter of apology.

检查已收货物的质量。Checks quality of goods received.