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你的心脏是个相当简单的机构。Your ticker is a pretty simple organ.

穷人没办法,火车票都买不到!Poor are not idear. ticker of train, where!

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自动收报机已开始工作。The ticker tape machine began to throw out tape.

我最好还是自己拿着票根吧,以防他们不让我进来。I’d better hold on my ticker stub in case they won’t let me in.

她记起周四关于火车票的电话。She remembered the phone call on Thursday about the train ticker.

最新的功能是可把幻灯秀崁在自己的电脑桌面。Watch this ticker on your desktop or put it on your website or MySpace.

通常会有一为客户坐在股票行情自动收录器旁边,喊出报价。One of the customers usually sat by the ticker and called out the prices.

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麦克斯韦尔半转过身,双手满是纸张和写着股票行情的纸带。Maxwell turned half around, with his hands full of papers and ticker tape.

显然,交易代码如果过于朗朗上口也是要付出一些代价的。Clearly, the benefits of a catchy ticker symbol are not without some sacrifice.

看世界各地的股票代码就行,而您正在编辑您的股票名单。Look up world-wide stock symbols on line, while you are editing your ticker lists.

埃德加在线数据库检索埃德加证交会备案的讨价还价或公司名称。EDGAR Online — A database of EDGAR SEC filings searchable by ticker or company name.

哦,我差点忘了。我最好还是自己拿着票根吧,以防他们不让我进来。Oh, I almost forgot. I'd better hold on my ticker stub in case they won't let me in.

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九月份通过合并公司借壳上市,挂牌THIN。It went public that September, with the ticker THIN, by merging with a shell company.

第二个内部函数再将股票代码和股价传递给业务规则函数!The second inner function applies the ticker and price to the business rule function!

一款通过工具栏查看天气、世界时间以及RSS新闻源的插件。View the weather, the world time, a news RSS ticker and the date all from the toolbar.

这家底特律的汽车制造商在多伦多证券交易所的交易代码是GMM。The Detroit-based automaker was listed on the Toronto Stock Exchangeunder the ticker GMM.

对,心脏是像钟表那样滴滴答答地跳动。Ticker is slang for one's heart because your heartbeats similar to the way in which a clock ticks.

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由于股票继续你必须停止时间流失时空跳跃阻止股票。As the Ticker continues you must stop the hour blasters and jump the time warp to stop the Tickers.

新闻阅读器。软件支持全屏浏览和自定义模式,可以随意改变大小以及屏幕位置。The application can run full screen or in ticker mode, which can be resized and moved around the screen.

好在我还可以跟儿子一起跑步,而不用担心跑到脚软,精疲力尽。The good news was I could run about with my son without worrying about my knees or my ticker giving out.