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于是他们放弃了英镑的可兑换性。They dropped the pound convertibility.

中国许诺人民币将趋向于可自由兑换。China has pledged to move to full yuan convertibility.

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它的作用在于保持,货币与金子间的转换。It was supposed to maintain the convertibility of the currency into gold.

想想在1933年发生的事是3,他们放弃了金子的转换功能。Remember what happened in 1933 is they abandoned convertibility with gold.

中国许诺人民币将趋向于可自由兑换。这个为什么重要?China has pledged to move to full yuan convertibility. Why is that important?

它有四个门,可调节的冷冻箱和可兑换功能。It sported four doors, adjustable cooling compartments, and a convertibility feature.

他们就应该遵守他们的誓言,恢复美元和黄金之间的兑换。Let them take their oath seriously and restore the convertibility of dollars to gold.

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一些评论员将上述情况视为资本账户可完全兑换的先兆。Some commentators have taken all this as a harbinger of full capital-account convertibility.

但资本项目下的可兑换将使人民币受到变幻莫测的市场力量的左右。But capital-account convertibility would make the yuan subject to the vagaries of market forces.

尽管邢毓静做出乐观评论,但她同时说人民币完全可兑换没有时间表。Despite her bullish comments, she said there is no timetable for the full convertibility of yuan.

陈道富说,中国需要加速在贸易和直接投资中的人民币自由兑换。Chensaid that China should accelerate the full convertibility of the yuan in tradeand direct investment.

我们现在与那些,现如今运行时没有金子转换功能,的中央银行机构打交道。We're left with the central banking institutions that are now functioning without convertibility to gold.

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陈道富说,中国需要加速在贸易和直接投资中的人民币自由兑换。Chen said that China should accelerate the full convertibility of the yuan in trade and direct investment.

该方案不仅能抵抗一切伪造攻击,而且具有可转换和可收回的特性。The new scheme not only can resist all forgery attacks, but also has the properties of convertibility and retraction.

该文件还补充称,"是否应等到货币完全可兑换才允许纳入货币篮子"还不明朗.The paper also added that it was unclear that currencies "should await full convertibility to be allowed into the basket."

资本的跨国流动和货币的自由兑换,金融业将要迎接全球化挑战。Cross-border capital flow and currency convertibility , and the financial industry will meet the challenges of globalization.

中国央行正采取措施,以实现人民币的国际化——但实现可兑换性将是一条漫漫长路。The People's Bank is taking steps towards internationalising the renminbi – but the road to convertibility will be a long march.

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但是他们同时也害怕更松汇率管制和完全可兑换性带来的人民币升值压力。But they also fear the upward pressure on the value of the yuan that a looser exchange-rate regime and full convertibility imply.

资本项目自由兑换则是指资本流进和流出的汇兑均无限制的兑换。While the capital-account convertibility of a currency means the country does not restrict the flowing in and out of the capitals.

本研究指出将累积的知识透过个人自发性的组织、转化与应用的创新过程,就是「知识管理」。This research is to point out the innovative process of accumulative knowledge through spontaneous organization, convertibility and application.