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1793年起法国有名无实的国王。Titular king of France from 1793.

他是那个组织名义上的头目。He is the titular head of the organization.

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布赖恩仍是挂名领袖。Bryan remained the titular head of the party.

中国企业实权的模糊性同样表现在其挂名总裁上。The opacity of power is also reflected by the role of the titular heads of Chinese firms.

那么,对于吉姆所说的无政府主义者,应该有一种内化那种结构的方法。For Jim's titular anarchists, then, there has to be a way of internalizing that structure.

主题曲‘挪威的森林’里唱着‘我曾经拥有过一个女孩,或许该说她曾经拥有过我’。The titular song ‘Norwegian Wood’ sings, ‘I once had a girl, or should I say she once had me.

好莱坞两位最剽悍的演员是这对徒有虚名罪犯的绝佳人选。The two toughest actors in Hollywood would fit perfectly together as the titular pair of criminals.

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国王有名无实,而首相很有权力并实行世袭制。The king was made a titular figure, and the post of Prime Minister was made powerful and hereditary.

不管舞跳得怎么样,剧中纯真的一幕幕都与小说中营造的氛围非常契合。Despite the titular dance moves, the movie has a sense of innocence that matches the setting perfectly.

李宗仁将军被抬得高高的,当上了有名无实的委员长北平行辕主任。General Li Tsung-jen was kicked upstairs and made titular head of the generalissimo's bureau in Peiping.

一个人面对反对意见,他的反应应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he.

一个人面对反对意见,其举措应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition, as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he.

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赛斯罗根参与了伊万戈顿伯格的剧本编写,并出演了剧中变了味的英雄。Seth Rogen co-wrote the screenplay with writing partner Evan Goldberg, and stars, improbably, as the titular hero.

说道失败和成功,这部电影很大部分的前提是建立在名义上的盗梦成功的基础之上的。Speaking of failure and success, a big part of the film's premise is predicated on the success of the titular inception.

谈及成功与失败,这部影片的大部分都建立在所谓的意识植入会成功的前提上。Speaking of failure and success, a big part of the film’s premise is predicated on the success of the titular inception.

盖丽尔的伯伯约格·卡普蒂森继续担任总理,但这个职位基本是名义上的,对政策没有实际影响力。Gaerial's uncle, Yeorg Captison, remained Prime Minister, but the role was largely titular with no real sway over policy.

本文结合实例,探讨了此类有名无实定语从句翻译的一些具体方法。Based on some practical examples, some translating methods of such titular attributive clauses are discussed in this paper.

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在这个阶层里包括耽于空想的商人,挂名医生,以及丢了差事的政治家。Under this class of men are comprehended all contemplative tradesmen, titular physicians, and statesmen that are out of business.

本书主角与书名同名,是个心理学家,他在两个平行的世界里穿越,神话世界成了现实。It details the titular character, a psychologist, who travels between parallel worlds where the mythologies of our world are the reality.

这就是你们这些不讲荷兰话的观众们应该了解的最基本的关于这个电影名字的琐事。There, now all you non-Dutch speaking people with an interest in this film have some essential, need-to-know trivia about the titular character.