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七会员遵守之公约。Pacts for the observance of its members.

愚人节是一个“仅为娱乐”的节日。April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observance.

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那么禁火和寒食的习俗呢?Then the cut-off fire and Cold Food Observance of customs?

她的双眸沉默而拘谨地牵挂着我的一举一动。And her eyes on all my motions with a mute observance hung.

地方官员严格规定要守安息日。Sabbath observance was strictly monitored by local officials.

要有大的成就,首先从微细的戒开始。Great achievement starts with detailed observance of precepts.

在粮农组织总部举办的世界粮食日其他庆祝活动包括Other events at FAO headquarters in observance of World Food Day are

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为此,她四处奔走呼告,希望能有一个全国性的纪念日。For this she campaigned tirelessly to bring about a national observance.

我已读上述规定,并保证遵守上述各项规定内容。I have already read the above regulations and pledge observance of them.

在其中,我们找到了一条宗教礼仪和咸面包圈之间的联系。There too we find a connection between religious observance and pretzels.

市场周一逢马丁路德金纪念日假期休市.The market will be closed Monday in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day.

第一个母亲节庆祝表彰是在一个教堂为安娜母亲举办的。The first Mother's Day observance was a church service honoring Anna's mother.

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佑挹一次天下除夜战的退伍甲士们主办此次怀念典礼,那令我也非常傲慢。I'm also proud that the veterans of World War I are sponsoring this observance.

之后,属下才能依照年资浅浅啜饮一口。Only then can his subordinates take a sip in strict observance of their seniority.

在国务院主要礼堂内有几百人参加了这次纪念活动。Hundreds of people filled the State Department's main auditorium for the observance.

遵守爱卡达西戒食本身就已经足够使人臻达至尊主维施奴的居所。Observance of this Ekadasi fast alone promotes one to the supreme abode of Sri Visnu.

周五因庆祝耶稣受难日,原油市场休市。The crude oil market remained closed Friday in observance of the Good Friday holiday.

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慈运理派遵守圣礼最突出的特色是它的简洁。The striking feature of the Zwinglian observance of the sacrament was its simplicity.

遵守上帝的戒条,是这段历史的目的。Observance of God's commandments is, as Levenson puts it, the teleological end of history.

寒食禁火冷食祭墓,清明取新火踏青出游。Cold food observance ban fire cold food festival tomb sweeping outing travel, take new fire.