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它是很珍贵的。It's precious.

我的心肝宝贝。My precious darling!

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而对于我,它是珍贵的。For me, it is precious.

兵贵神速。Speed is precious in war.

我们是金贵的,也是慵懒的。We are precious and lazy.

在那美丽的夜晚????。On that precious night, ??

爱到分才显珍贵。Love to just show precious.

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玫瑰精油为何愈来愈少了?。Why is Rose oil so precious?

每一天都值得去尝试。Every day is precious to try.

金刚钻是一种宝石。A diamond is a precious stone.

她是我的小水宝贝。There's my precious little girl.

时间是非常宝贵的。Lesson 336 Time is very precious.

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我是个讨厌的宝贝小童。I dislike is precious little tong.

你的生命在上帝眼中是珍贵的。It is precious in the eyes of God.

春雨贵如油。Spring rain is as precious as oil.

谢谢您提出的宝贵意见。Thanks for your precious opinions.

耶稣,宝贵的磐石,启明我。Jesus, precious Stone, illumine me!

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留下我和一段最唯美的记忆。Left me and a most precious memory.

你把我宝贵的花儿都毁了。You have ruined my precious flower.

贵金属矿砂及其精矿。Precious metal ores and concentrates.