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这位是王警官。This is Officer Wang.

他是一个下等军官。He is an inferior officer.

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你的假释官是谁?Who's your parole officer?

这军官受全俸。The officer is on full pay.

他是陆军军官学校的学生。He is an officer in the army.

王警官要接你的电话。Officer Wang will answer you.

那位官员必须免职。That officer must be removed.

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她爸爸是一位海军军官。Herf ather is a naval officer.

那名军官擅离职守。The officer deserted his post.

不对。我是士官。I am a noncommissioned officer.

他是骑兵队的军官。He is an officer in the cavalry.

军官用皮带扣住佩刀。The officer belted his sword on.

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那军官粗声粗气地发布命令。The officer rasped out an order.

那位军官佩带着一枚徽章。The officer was wearing a medal.

这个士兵向军官行军礼。The soldier saluted his officer.

士兵们向军官举手敬礼。The soldiers salute the officer.

我的丈夫是一名铁路职工。Her husband was a customs officer.

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那名军官把手枪别紧。The officer buckled on his pistol.

那名官员叛变投敌了。The officer deserted to the enemy.

那军官厉声发出命令。The officer rapped out the orders.