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每家户主都必须同意协议接受审查。Every homeowner must agree for the deal to go through.

在这种情况下,无论你和屋主受惠。In this situation , both you and the homeowner benefit.

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房屋业主和债权人两者都面临着更大的破产风险。Both homeowner and lender face a greater risk of bankruptcy.

如果布勒搬家,SunRun的合同会转移给下一个新户主。If Buller moves, SunRun's contract can be transferred to a new homeowner.

另一位房主建立了一个石板的天台,忽略他的瀑布。Another homeowner built a flagstone terrace that overlooked his waterfall.

玻璃钢温泉在保健方面具有巨大优势。Fiberglass spas have a great many advantages for the health conscious homeowner.

在这种房主驱动的模式下,房主通常使用一些回收的材料。In this homeowner-driven model, the homeowner usually uses some recycled materials.

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但是如果房主像过去几年的众多住房者一样违约,那会怎样呢?But what if the homeowner starts to default, as millions have in the past few years?

当时,这位房主,在火灾现场想要续订消防服务。The homeowner in this case tried to renew his subscription at the scene of the fire.

屋主从当地供电所购买他还需要的电量。The homeowner buys whatever remaining electric power he needs from the local utility.

布兰卡多和欧文发现的这只臭鼬,关在屋主理查德。考贝克枝叶繁茂的后院的一个小笼子里。Brancato and Owen find the skunk in a small cage in homeowner Richard Kaulback's leafy backyard.

凤凰城的房主汤米。伍德赞同次贷问题会影响整个社区的说法。Phoenix-area homeowner Tammy Woods agrees that mortgage problems can affect an entire community.

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有一只鸟还闯入了民宅,当时屋主人打开了门,想看看外面的骚动是怎么回事。One bird made it into a house, when the homeowner opened the door to see what was causing the racket.

近年来,收入的增速大体上高于房价增速,而且房主们的负债水平较低。In recent years, incomes have mostly risen faster than house prices, and homeowner debt levels are low.

或者按别人家门铃后跑开,当屋主应门时,就大叫“四月愚人”。Or they ring the doorbells on homes , run away , then yell "April Fool" as the homeowner answers the door.

此外,当地的房地产法规可能需要出租许可证,房主可能没有意识到还要办证。In addition, local real-estate laws may require permits a single-family homeowner may not realize are needed.

毕竟,迪拜的房主在卖掉房子之后,所得收入基本够在休斯敦、亚特兰大和凤凰城置业。After all, a homeowner in Dubai could sell and have basically enough to buy homes in Houston, Atlanta and Phoenix.

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想更多了解他的个人背景,请查阅他最近的文章—“他如何从无家可归到拥有房产”。For background on Neal’s personal story, check out his recent article about how he went from homeless to homeowner.

最后屋主用臂膀夹住它的头,将它制伏在地,赶出屋外。It was eventually subdued by the homeowner who pinned it to the floor in a headlock and forced it out of the house.

那就意味着私房屋主或者商业业主可能被迫搬移,不止只是公共用途,而且也有可能是私人用途。That means a homeowner or business owner could be forced to move not only for reasons of public use, but also for private use.