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为贫民举行了义卖。A bazaar was held for the poor.

商场前是大片的绿地。Big greenbelt is before bazaar.

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你去过国际大巴扎吗?Have you been to the International Bazaar?

我挤过了堆满货物的集市。I poked through a bazaar crammed with good.

你能告诉我去东方市场的路怎么走?Could you tell me the way to the East Bazaar?

我小心的走进商场中央。I walked into the center of the bazaar timidly.

我胆怯着走到集市中间。I walked into the centre of the bazaar timidly.

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斋月期间的马来西亚食品集市。A food bazaar in Malaysia during month of Ramadan.

欢迎来到阿富汗的战时承包集市。Welcome to the wartime contracting bazaar in Afghanistan.

贝蒂和鲍勃在大型的义卖市场买了蓝汽球回来。Betty and Bob brought back blue balloons from the big bazaar.

还记得那天我们一起逛商场吗?Still write down so that we rambled together that day bazaar?

那是一种光怪陆离的杂拌儿。The bazaar was a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions.

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于是我慢慢转开,沿着集市中央走。Then I turned away slowly and walked down the middle of the bazaar.

星期天的和田大巴扎的其中一个角落都是卖玉石的。A corner in the main bazaar of Hotan is dedicated for jade on Sunday.

管理巴扎的肉孜伯克立即派人通报乌斯曼。Management of bazaar RouZi burke immediately sent notification usman.

Etsy是一个在线的集市,针对手工制作的时尚物品、玩具和家具。Etsy is the online bazaar for handmade fashion, toys and home furnishings.

中东的集市把你带回到千百年以前。The Middle Eastern bazaar takes you back hundreds-even thousands-of years.

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一日晚间,我遇见几个黑奴抬着一顶沉重的轿子穿过市集。One evening I met some negroes carrying a heavy palanquin through the bazaar.

本商场供应高级床垫,给您享受一次奢侈的舒适。The high-grade mattress offered By this Bazaar assures you of a luxurious comfort.

本商场收银处电脑联网,欢迎使用信用卡。Computerized cashier network is available here at this bazaar. Credit cards welcomed.