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你完全是孤立无援的。You’re in total isolation.

通过细胞培养分离病毒。virus isolation by cell culture.

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不过,他的与世隔绝能够持续多久?But how long can his isolation last?

这是最高级别的隔离级。This is the strongest isolation level.

特别怂病毒分离。Instigates the virus isolation specially.

建立一个团体——避免被孤立。Building a community -- avoiding isolation.

青少年饱尝了一种孤立感。Teenagers experience a feeling of isolation.

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这个病人被抬到了隔离病房。The patient was taken to the isolation ward.

连医院都没有,还谈什么隔离室。They had no hospital, let alone an isolation.

做简单的隔离和放松训练。Do a simple isolation and relaxation exercise.

脱离容器单独测试流转。Test flows in isolation without the container.

与世隔绝和孤立感是非常可怕的。The isolation and cut-off feeling can be dire.

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他们决定把他迁到隔离病房去。They decided to take him to the isolation ward.

与世隔绝,你是不会成长,活出基督的。You cannot grow to Christlikeness in isolation.

欧文的最厉害的技能包就是单打得分。Kyrie's greatest skill is his isolation scoring.

已计划对隔离病房作出某些改进。Some improvements in isolation wards are planned.

本文对鸡油菌的孢子分离法做了详细介绍。The method for isolation was described in detail.

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不要孤立地考虑这些事实。Don't consider the facts in isolation from others.

否则,隔离度将严重下降。Otherwise, isolation should be decrease seriously.

幻象行会在该隔离级出现。Phantom rows can appear with this isolation level.