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下次可别伸出舌头来嘲笑人了。Next time don't loll out your tongue out.

别这样,听话,劳尔,你现在都是一个大男孩了。Now, come on, Loll. You're a big boy now.

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放学后不要在街上到处闲逛。Don't loll about in the street after school.

站直,别那样歪七竖八的!Do stand up straight, don't loll about like that!

你不该在这么多的客人面前伸舌头。You shouldn't have so many guests in front loll out tongue.

宝宝伸舌头伸出上翘和下垂有什么区别?Is darling loll head extended on become warped and what does prolapse have to distinguish?

尽管懒洋洋地倚靠在海滩是一个很大的诱惑,我还是想要探索在酒店之外的新奇的当地文化。Tempting as it is to loll on the beach, I want to explore the cultural curiosities outside the hotel.

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凝香伸了伸舌头,冲我笑了笑,然后就不再说话了。The Ning joss-stick stretched to loll out tongue and hurtled me to smile to smile, then no longer talk.

罗尔是荷兰乌特列兹大学的教授,主持一个欧洲最大的量子重力研究团队。Renate Loll is a professor at Utrecht University, where she heads one of the largest groups for quantum gravity research in Europe.

男人们一从山上回来,便会懒洋洋地喝起浓烈的黑咖啡来,一喝就是好几个小时,直到杯底只剩咖啡渣为止。And once in from the hills, the men can loll for hours over a demitasse of fierce black coffee sipped down to the slurry at the cup's bottom.

她閒躺在沙发上,而藉加料温啤酒来给自己催眠,或藉熟思如何搞垮所有那些美娃们,那些美娃胆敢把头閒靠在她真正的爱人的肩膀上。She lolls on the sofa and lulls herself with mulled beer or by mulling over how to make a mull of all dolls that dare to loll their heads on the shoulders of her sterling darling.

实验结果显示,LOLL训练算法的速度比传统的BP算法快4倍,用它构成的语音信号非线性预测器有较好的预测性能。The experimental results show that the training speed of LOLL reaches 4 times the speed of conventional BP, and the speech nonlinear predictor based on LOLL algorithm performs well.