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但阿列克谢根本听不进去But Alexis doesn't get the point.

麦欧维克也不知道亚历克西斯在哪。Myovic does not know where Alexis is.

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亚历克西斯走近凯文,射杀了他。Alexis approaches Carroll and shoots him.

亚历克西斯与他父亲见了最后一面,死去了。Alexis sees his father one last time and dies.

伊丽莎白要求亚历克西斯不断重复说,他爱她。She coerces Alexis to repeat that he loves her.

这时,亚历克西斯向她坦陈,他已经爱上了她。Alexis then admits that he has fallen in love with her.

刘玉玲生下来就注定要成为明星。When Lucy Alexis Liu was born, she was destined for the stars.

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安德烈.德拉赞打电话给约文.麦欧维克,寻找他的弟弟亚历克西斯。Andre Drazen calls Jovan Myovic looking for his brother, Alexis.

他们的唯一疑犯,亚历克西斯,只剩下半条人命了。Their only suspect Alexis Drazen has half a chance of surviving.

两天后,或许这就是结果,有人发现亚历克西斯死了。Two days later, probably as a consequence, Alexis was found dead.

他们的唯一疑犯,亚历克西斯,只剩下半条人命了。Their only suspect, Alexis Drazen, has half a chance of surviving.

伊丽莎白到房间来与他会面,亚历克西斯说,感觉她有点紧张。Elizabeth comes to him and Alexis comments that she is somewhat tense.

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他们和警方特种部队快速冲入了房间里,试图救回亚历克西斯的性命。They storm the room with the SWAT team, and try to prevent Alexis from dying.

但是俄国文化西化的时间,其持续时间超过了阿列克谢的一生But what lasted longer than Alexis was the Europeanization of Russian culture.

亚历克温斯顿是一个年轻的姑娘,梦想成为花样滑冰运动员冠军。Alexis Winston is a young girl who dreams of becoming a champion figure skater.

艾琳议论亚历克西斯确是有口无心,她只不过是随口说说而已。Aling didn't mean what she said about Alexis. She was only making conversation.

作为一个孩子,亚历克西斯洛克人经常去美国自然史博物馆。As a child, Alexis Rockman often visited the American Museum of Natural History.

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维克托准备杀了杰克,杰克却提出以归还亚历克西斯来换取他被释放。Victor is about to kill Jack, when Jack offers up Alexis in return for his release.

安德烈曾以为亚历克西斯已死,现在,他认为也许杰克所说的是真的。Once believing Alexis to be dead, Andre confirms that Jack may be telling the truth.

他要求尼娜为他接通亚历克西斯,维克多想证实他的儿子仍在生。He orders her to get Alexis Drazen on the line so Victor can confirm that he is alive.