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我在找科兹莫公司的电话号码。I am looking for the number for Cosmo Company.

请将答案及联络方法于四月底前交回柏丽数码摄影影楼。Please return answers and contacts to Cosmo Studio before the end of April.

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日本大世界过山车会出其不意的驶进水下隧道里。Vanish roller coaster at Cosmo Land in Japan unexpectedly dives into an underwater tunnel.

一块覆盖了“宇宙黑”的黑色方块被安放在全自动的双轴太阳能跟踪器上面。A piece of the "Cosmo Black" square was placed on top of the automatic dual-axis solar tracker.

在打败了梅达列克斯后的数个月,塔尔斯仍然常被相同的梦境所惊醒,是波斯菊战胜的那天。A few months after the defeat of the Metarex, Tails remains waking up to the same dream about Cosmo at the day of the defeat.

开始救生艇上的人拒绝爵士上去,他们指定只允许妇女和孩子登上救生艇。The group refused to go into a lifeboat at first as Sir Cosmo was not allowed on, as they were designated for women and children only.

那边是科兹莫爵士和露西亚,达夫-戈登女士,她设计大胆的女内衣,这是她众多才能之一,很受皇家的欢迎呢。And over here, that's Sir Cosmo and Lucile, Lady Duff-Gordon. She designs naughty lingerie , among her many talents. Very popular with the royals.

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将会有的哥——类、高水平的水平将会有更多的机会去赢球,也得到了更好的星矢礼品、细节必须后来解释。The categories will have Cosmo Level, the high level ones will have more chance to win and get the better Seiya Gifts, details to be explained later.

公司为业内先锋,业务主要是设计和开发非耐用品、移动设备周边附件及配件。Cosmo is a leading industry player in the field of product design & development for advanced engineered soft-goods, mobile device storage & accessories.

本杂志做了一些调查,确定什么特征的男性容易背叛,我们的发现令人大开眼界。Well, Cosmo did some investigating to ascertain the traits that may make men more likely to cheat, and some of our findings were surprising eye-openers.

那时候,我注意到了海水比白天离我们更近了,然后我对爵士说,我们正在下沉啦,爵士回答我说,废话,赶紧逃命吧。I then noticed that the sea was nearer to us than during the day, and I said to Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon 'We are sinking' and he said 'Nonsense, come away'.