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氡来自镭的衰变。Radon comes from radium decay.

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居里夫人发现了镭。Madame Curie discovered radium.

氡是镭的子体。Radon is the daughter of radium.

镭可以用来治疗癌症。Radium can be used to treat cancer.

发现了镭和青霉素。Radium and penicillin were discovered.

居里夫人发现了镭元素。Madame Curie discovered the element radium.

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1898年,他们发现了钋和镭。In 1898 they discovered polonium and radium.

居里夫人1902年发现了镭。Madame Curie discovered pure radium in 1902.

居里夫妇最为出名的是发现了镭。The Curies are best known for discovering radium.

瓷砖中所放射出来的氡主要来源镭。Tile in the main source of radon emitted by radium.

居里夫妇发现的物质正是镭。The matter that the Curies had discovered was radium.

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是居里夫人发现了镭元素。It was Madame Curie who discovered the element radium.

居里夫人一生致力于镭的研究。Madame Curie devoted all her time to the study of radium.

这是一个验电器,其中载有少量的镭。It was an electroscope which contained a small amount of radium.

人们将永远记住居里夫人是镭的发现者。Madame Curie will long be remembered as the discoverer of radium.

法国在镭方面研究的全部家当就只有居里夫人实验室里的那0.1克镭。France's entire stock of radium for research was the single gram in Curie's lab.

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居里夫妇承担了把镭从沥青矿分离出来的艰巨任务。The Curies undertook the arduous task of separating radium out of pitchblende ore.

放射性的镭暖气装置的辐射半径在体育场是易变的。The radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable.

装在小小容器里的镭终于见到了,以它自身的亮光在黑暗中为人们见到了。In its little receptacles there was radium visible at last, visible by its own light in the dark.