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我们在农村,一个农场里。We're on a farm.

请问,这里是种马场吗?Is this a stud farm?

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农场水井出水口。Outlet of farm well.

他有一个养鸡场。He has a chicken farm.

昨天我在农场拔萝卜。I carrots on the farm.

克罗先生,我买农庄。Mr. Craw, I buy a farm.

克劳先生,我买一个农场。Mr. Craw, I buy a farm.

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罗达是农场里的工人。Rhoda is a farm worker.

农场就是他的领地。The farm was his domain.

农、工具及园林工具。Farm tools, garden tools.

他在国营农场工作。He works on a state farm.

上周日我在农场拔萝卜了。I up carrots on the farm.

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老迈铛劳有一个农场。Old MacDonald had a farm.

奔赴菇类农场。Proceed to Mushroom Farm.

这只是其中一个农场。And this is just one farm.

男人们做农活。The men did the farm work.

我们的农场上种植豆角。We grow beans on our farm.

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我当时已经知道如何种地了。I knew how to farm already.

音乐农庄民歌餐厅?。Music Farm Country Kitcher?

他们的农场和我们的农场相毗连。Their farm abuts upon ours.