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半自动以及全自动无人机和地面系统。Semiautonomous and autonomous unmanned air and ground systems.

阿布扎比是阿联酋七个半自治酋长国之一。Abu Dhabi is one of seven semiautonomous emirates that make up the UAE.

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无人驾驶与半自动汽车已经上了公路,迫使监管部门要跟上步伐。Driverless and semiautonomous cars have already hit the open roads, forcing regulators to keep up.

半自治的北方库尔德地区没有进行选举。There was no voting in the semiautonomous Kurdish region in the north, or in the divided city of Kirkuk.

在中国大陆,除了带有半自治性质的香港和澳门特别行政区之外,谈论当年的那场动乱还是颇为忌讳的。Discussion of the crackdown is still taboo in China outside of the semiautonomous regions of Hong Kong and Macau.

基础设施的缺乏导致南苏丹办自制政府很难保护边境地区。The lack of infrastructure makes it difficult for the semiautonomous government in south Sudan to secure its borders.

但是更严重的威胁来自那些人类仅有最后一刻否决权的半自主机器。But the more serious threat comes from semiautonomous machines over which humans retain nothing more than last-ditch veto power.

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实验证明,它可以满足半自主机器人足球系统对通讯子系统的设计要求。It is shown that the design is effective, and can satisfy all requirements of communication subsystem of semiautonomous robot soccer system.

而且在任务中,于远端遥控时所学到的经验,也会为将来的半自动太空维修任务打下基础。And all the experience gained by using teleoperated manipulators would form the basis of future semiautonomous servicing operations in space.

埃及也连同南苏丹的半自治政府一起尝试了与狂暴的叛军们联盟以建立起一个互助的盟军阵营。Egypt along with the semiautonomous government of south sudan has tried to bring darfur's fractious rebels together to create a joint platform.

这座城市已经成了什叶派领导的伊拉克中央政府和北部半自治的库尔德人区之间进行权力争斗的中心。The city has become the center of a power struggle between the Shiite-led central government and the semiautonomous Kurdish region in the north.

他说,黑市具备成为“社会沟通中的半自治区域”的潜力,也是可能为政治组织提供空间。Black markets, he said, have the potential to turn into a "semiautonomous zone of social communication" and a possible space for political organizing.

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盟军控制了肯尼亚边境一片狭长的领地,是紧邻埃塞俄比亚和毗邻半自治地区普恩特岛的索马里北部地区。Allied militias control a strip of land along the Kenyan border, areas near Ethiopia and parts of northern Somalia near the semiautonomous region of Puntland.

此外,中国的统计数字与香港这个半自治的作为中国南方大部地区的金融中心的区域的统计数字是冲突的。Furthermore, Chinese statistics conflict with those of Hong Kong, the semiautonomous territory that serves as the financial capital of much of southern China.

半自动工作群体在管理和执行主要的生产活动中做决策,但是对质量控制和维护仍需要外面的支持。Semiautonomous work groups make decisions about managing and carrying out major production activities, but still get outside support for quality control and maintenance.