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我是来自新斯科舍的假小子。I'm a tomboy from Nova Scotia.

你妹妹到底是个什么样的人啊?My sister is kind of a tomboy.

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他女儿是一个调皮的假小子。His daughter is a saucy tomboy.

当我认识史蒂夫的时候,我真的是个男人婆。When I got acquainted with Steve, I was a real tomboy.

才过了几年,她就由一个男人婆蜕变成了一个小女人。After just a few years, she transformed from a tomboy into a little woman.

才过了几年,她就由一个男人婆蜕变成了一个小女人。After just a few years , she transformed from a tomboy into a little woman.

刚强的男仔头,喜欢恶作剧,梦想将来开设一家自己的饼店。She is a strong-minded and naughty tomboy. Her dream is to open a cake shop.

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现在汉娜最大的顾虑就是怕她的女儿会长成一个“假小子”。Hannah's biggest worry now is that her daughter will turn out to be a tomboy.

我这位朋友是女人味十足的高贵美女,而本人天生男性化也粗心。She is a really very elegant and feminine lady whereas I am a careless tomboy.

我小时候的举止有点像个男孩子,现在也还是有一点。I was a tomboy the majority of my life back in Barbados . I'm still a little tomboyish.

如果启用此选项,阿帖退出时打开的全部便笺将会在下次启动时自动重新打开。If enabled, all notes that were open when Tomboy quit will automatically be reopened at startup.

在正式比赛中她演绎是都是男歌手的歌,她还自称为“假小子”。In the main competition she sang other songs written for male performers and called herself "a tomboy."

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上市的75加一些洋基男孩盆地的Tomboy路,新娘面纱盆地,蜥蜴头关,阳光梅萨。Some of the 75 hikes listed are Yankee Boy Basin, Tomboy Road, Bridal Veil Basin, Lizard Head Pass, and Sunshine Mesa.

张怡宁剪了头短发,使她看来像个小男孩但她最近在一个中国网站上po了一张很迷人的照片。Zhang's cropped hair gives her a tomboy look, but she recently posed for a glamorous photo shoot on a Chinese Web site.

表明置顶便笺导入器插件从未运行过,所以下次阿帖启动时会自动运行该插件。Indicates that the Sticky Note Importer plugin has not been run, so it should run automatically the next time Tomboy starts.

多数时候,从表面上看,我是个好孩子,一个嘻嘻哈哈的假小子,喜欢体育运动,比赛常拿名次。For the most part, and on the outside, I was a good kid, a giggly tomboy who liked to play sports and who was good at competition.

我的双胞胎妹妹在家族里面素有“假小子”的称号,她喜爱运动,经常参加足球以及其他有组织性的运动。My twin sister grew up with the reputation of being the tomboy of the family, the sporty one who participated in soccer and other organized sports.

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作为“钢琴女神”的陈伊诺在校园内犹如众星捧月,而张静依则是典型的“假小子”性格,甘当女神的护花使者。As the "Piano goddess" Chen Yi Connaught on campus like Zhongxingpengyue, and Zhang Jingyi is a typical "tomboy" character, being the goddess huhuashizhe.

她们有男人气质的女人,典型的代表人物2005年“超级女声”的冠军——李宇春。There are definitely girls who project a more masculine attitude. One good example of this kind of "tomboy" is the 2005 Super Girl contest winner, Li Yuchun.

她们就是有男人气质的女人,典型的代表人物就是2005年“超级女声”的冠军——李宇春。There are definitely girls who project a more masculine attitude. One good example of this kind of "tomboy" is the 2005 Super Girl contest winner, Li Yuchun.