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他问的是教皇职位的设立。He asked about the institution of the papacy.

教廷外交几乎同教皇的职位一样古老。Papal diplomacy is almost as old as the papacy.

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这个系统依赖于两个机构,教宗和帝国。This system depended on two institutions, the papacy and the empire.

教皇以阿维尼翁为居所直到1377年回到罗马。The papacy was based at Avignon until 1377, when it returned to Rome.

担任教皇26年,确定天主教会在现代社会的角色。In a 26-year papacy , he defined the Roman Catholic Church's role in modern times.

霍亨斯陶芬王朝继承前代继续与教宗抗衡。The dynasty continued the struggle with the papacy begun under their predecessors.

改革以争取离婚而开始,以脱离教皇而告终。The reform began as a struggle for a divorce and ended in freedom from the Papacy.

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这将是他以教宗身份进行的最长的一次朝拜,也是对这位81岁高龄的教皇的体力的考验。The pilgrimage will be the longest in his papacy and a test of the 81-year-old's stamina.

此次朝圣之旅是其上任以来时间最长的一次出访,同时也是对这位81岁高龄的耄耋老人体力的一次考验。The pilgrimage will be the longest in his papacy and a test of the 81-year-old's stamina.

这次朝圣之旅将是他罗马教皇生涯中时间最长的一次,同时也是对这位81岁老人毅力的考验。The pilgrimage will be the longest in his papacy and a test to the 81-year-old's stamina.

在许多方面,理事会,标志着品尼高在权力和威望的中世纪教皇。In many respects the council marked a pinnacle in the power and prestige of the medieval papacy.

此后,天主教对虐童丑闻处理不当的新闻主导了他在英国教皇任期表现的新闻。Since then, reporting of his papacy in Britain has been dominated by the Church's mis-handling of child-abuse scandals.

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11世纪教宗格里高力推行改革,出现了一个人们不愿意看到的后果,那就是教宗的中央集权化。One of the unintended consequences of the Gregorian Reform of the 11th century was the centralization of authority in the papacy.

增加了其在原产地之争霍亨斯陶芬王朝统治神圣罗马帝国和教廷的控制超过意大利。The rising had its origin in the struggle between the Hohenstaufen -ruled Holy Roman Empire and the Papacy for control over Italy.

天主教和梵蒂冈都是被政府利用来取得世界权利的工具,利用其它国家的军队来完成自己的野心。The Papacy and Vatican are a government using religion to gain world power using the armies of other countries to do their bidding.

教皇保罗二世星期日乞求宽恕天主教廷过去两千年来犯下的罪过,这是保罗二世在任期间最大的举动。In one of the most significant acts of his papacy , Pope John Paul asked forgiveness on Sunday for the many past sins of his Church.

选举教皇的枢机主教团体,帮助教皇管理教会,在教皇职位空缺时负责管理圣座。The body of all the cardinals that elect the pope, assist him in governing the church, and administer the Holy See when the papacy is vacant.

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然而,他也希望他的朝圣会以一种更新姿态感激圣母玛丽亚,因为她在这些年内保护了他的教宗职位。Nevertheless, he also wishes his pilgrimage to be a renewed gesture of gratitude to Our Lady for her protection during these years of his papacy.

第2章考察教皇作为世俗君主而获得的属世收入。第3章考察教皇作为宗教领袖获得的属灵收入。The chapter2 concentrates on the Temporalities of papacy gained as secular king, while the chapter 3 on the Spiritualities of Papacy obtained as the leader of Christendom.

现存规定要求在教皇职位空缺后至少允许15天的等待期,但梵蒂冈发言人隆巴迪说可以重新解释这种安排。Existing rules require a waiting period of at least 15 days after the papacy becomes vacant but the Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said this arrangement is open to reinterpretation.