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你会到重罪弗兰克斯餐馆去用餐吗?Would you eat at Felony Franks?

如果罪名成立,每一项都将判处她一年的罪刑。She faces a year for each felony count if convicted.

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几个月之后他又被判以涉毒被捕。A few months later came another arrest for felony drug possession.

阿尔伯克基地区法院计划今天早晨提起对他的指控。He is scheduled to be arraigned this morning on the felony charges.

我们重案组的工作量特别大。Our case loads kept increasing particularly in our felony division.

卡米尔在洛杉矶受到传讯,被指控犯有银行诈骗重罪。Kamil was arraigned in Los Angeles and charged with felony bank fraud.

“高级”法庭—般审理重罪案件。Higher-level courts, on the other hand, generally conduct felony trials.

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他是现白宫高级官员这些年被判重刑最严重的人员。He is the highest ranking White House official convicted of felony in years.

然而,在一个州中是轻罪的在另一个州就有可能成为重罪。However, what may be a misdemeanor in one state could be a felony in another.

纽约调查员表示这位超级明星将面临涉枪的重罪控告。New York investigators say the Super Bowl hero could face felony gun charges.

在很多法律规定下,该重罪必须是导致死亡的近因。Under a number of statutes, the felony must be a proximate cause of the death.

根据英国普通法,对于重罪或叛国罪知情不举是不作为的犯罪行为。By the common law of England, misprision of felony or treason was a crime of omission.

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后来才知道,这名暴徒是一名来自佛罗里达的车祸过失致死案的缓刑犯。It later turned out he was on felony probation from Florida for vehicular manslaughter.

康拉德·穆里医生并不承认自己犯有过失杀人罪。Dr Conrad Murray has pleaded not guilty to felony involuntary manslaughter in his death.

根据重罪谋杀规则,Connie可能会被指控对Dan的死亡犯有一级谋杀罪。Under the felony murder rule, Connie can be charged with first-degree murder for Dan's death.

他同时还将面临相当于成年人获刑1-3年牢狱刑期的4级重罪指控。He also faces a Class 4 felony charge, which for an adult is punishable by 1-3 years in prison.

当一个被告被控犯重罪时,大多数州还要求由大陪审团来递交起诉状。Most states also require an indictment by a grand jury when a defendant is charged with a felony.

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法院同意这个论点,在裁决中把这项基本权利扩大到所有受重罪指控的人。The Court agreed, and in its decision extended this basic right to all persons charged with a felony.

联邦税收法典第7201节规定了故意企图偷逃税收或缴纳任何税收为一项重罪。Section 7201 makes it a felony willfully to attempt to evade or defeat any tax or the payment of any tax.

此前,基尔帕特里克卷入两起案件,面临10项重罪指控、最高15年监禁。Before this, Kilpatrick is involved in two cases, faced with 10 felony charges, highest 15 year imprisonments.