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我有一些事情要做…Have an umber of things to do.

为了去上班,他乘17路公交车到一个宾馆。To get to work, he takes the umber 17 bus to a hotel.

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这些东西的中央,那盏油灯仍在冒烟,发出昏暗的茶褐色亮光。In the midst of all this the lamp still cast a smoky glowas umber.

这些东西的中央,那盏油灯仍在冒烟,发出昏暗的茶褐色亮光。In the midst of all this the lamp still cast a smoky glow, obscure and brown as umber.

这些东西的中央,那盏油灯仍在冒烟,发出昏暗的茶褐色亮光。In the midst of all this the lamp still cast a smoky glow, obscure and brown as umber.

在图书馆内部效益指标中书刊外借册次是衡量图书馆服务成果的最相关的基本指标。The most relative and basic index of service in the library is then umber of books borrowed.

但随着开放式基金在我国的深人发展,也逐渐暴露出一些问题。However, with the open-end funds in China to develop deep, gradually revealed a umber of issues.

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绿色和棕色的对比将埃及版图明显地划分成为肥沃的土地和炎热的沙漠。The contrasting green and umber of the Egyptian landscape forms a sharp line between fertile earth and parched desert.

绿色和棕色的对比把埃及的版图干脆的划分成为肥沃的土地和炎热的沙漠。The contrasting green and umber of the Egyptian landscape forms a sharp line between fertile earth and parched desert.

从早期AD的电镜研究以来,就已知在AD神经元中微管数量减少。It has been known since the earliest electron microscopic studies of AD that neuronal microtubules are lessened inn umber.

而且,随着债券种类在金融中间人的财产证券中的增加,有价证券的风险降低了,虽然降低幅度很小。Further , as the umber of securities in an fi ' s asset portfolio increases , portfolio risk falls , albeit at a diminishing rate.

通过对同卵和异卵双胞胎的大量研究,研究人员分析了愉悦和不快的情感发生中,遗传学所起的作用。In an umber of studies of identical and fraternal twins, researchers have examined the role genetics plays in happiness and unhappiness.

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我有一次周末去海边度假。等我回去的时候,三只刺尾狮和一只土巨怪正在我的起居室里面挂新窗帘。I once went down the shore for the weekend, and when I got back, three manticores and an umber hulk were hanging new drapes in my living room.

以上四点要不断地重复。第五点是我的经验之谈,我在加拿大读高中和大学里曾做过教练和裁判。As for the umber 5 tip I can't help but to speak my mind as not only played basketball in high school and University, but also coached and refereed basketball back in Canada.