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他是一个机敏而又多才多艺的才子。He is a nimble and versatile wit.

九个敏捷的贵族啃桃仁。Nine nimble nobleman nibbled nuts.

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但是他很灵巧,技术也很棒。But he is also nimble and skillful.

像猫在烫热的烤石上行走一样敏捷。Nimble as a cat on a hot bake-stone.

上海轻捷72V有那几款?Shanghai nimble 72V have that several?

他向各位表示最快速敏捷羊,列前。He sends his fastest nimble sheep, out front.

最好服务机构的关键之处就是行动敏捷。The best of the best service organizations are nimble.

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白皙的手指轻巧地解开绳子、敏捷地撕开了包皮纸。White fingers and nimble tore at the string and oaoer.

它们行动轻捷,几乎无法把它们击中。They were so nimble it was almost impossible to hit them.

一地质学家发现敏捷的袋食蚁兽Rusty。Rusty the Nimble Numbat is discovered by a pair of geologists.

它的设计是一个灵活,易于公圆和处理,城市车。It is designed to be a nimble easy to park and handle city car.

“仿制药公司需要更加灵活精干和积极进取”,他说。“Generics firms need to be nimble and aggressive,” he observes.

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机灵的松鼠偶尔会从林间窜过。The nimble squirrels are scurrying across the woods now and then.

我们在使用军事力量时必须灵活机动、精确无误。We’ll have to be nimble and precise in our use of military power.

脚步轻盈灵活的瓦尔学会了跳探戈舞。Val, who was light and nimble on her feet, learnt to dance the tango.

你是思维敏捷,能够很快的根据情况改变对策,但是你并不轻率,随心所欲。You are nimble and can change plans quickly, but you are not flighty.

虽然一开始你的速度较慢,但到劳动节时,你就会变得相当敏捷了。Though you may have started out slow, by Labor Day you’re pretty nimble.

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在西班牙的餐前小吃店,通常多变的雪利酒享有至高无上的地位。At a Spanish tapas bar, where nimble sherry traditionally reigns supreme.

他们喜欢他敏捷的头脑,他常常能提出一些独到的见解。They liked his nimble mind ----his ability to come up with original ideas.

它是否是敏捷的应用服务器,适用于用户和所有规模的企业?Is this a nimble app server appropriate for users and enterprises of all sizes?