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他对舆论反应不灵敏。He is insensitive to public opinion.

她常说风凉话。She often makes insensitive remarks.

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只有感觉迟钝才是可耻的。The only shame was to be insensitive.

此方法不区分假名宽度。This method is kana-width insensitive.

我从未见过像吉娜那样麻木不仁的人。I've never known anyone as insensitive as Gina.

对乳小白鼠不敏感。VZV was insensitive to newborn white mouse too.

我不知道原来我是这么一个麻木不仁的笨蛋。I didn't realize I was being an insensitive clod.

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清洗后有所改善,但还是不灵敏。After cleaning has improved, but still insensitive.

她对那个胖女人说了些不友好的话。She said insensitive things to the overweight woman.

所以我不相信鬼就是感觉迟钝啰?So now i'm being insensitive if i don't blv in ghosts.

这不仅仅是冒失,而是令人反感的迟钝。This is not just nonsense, but revoltingly insensitive.

所以我们认为它是赤霉素相关突变体。So we think the dwarf mutant "DDF-1" was GA insensitive.

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你觉得她们是否精神抑郁或者只是鼻子不灵敏的问题?Do you think they're depressed or just nasally insensitive?

大多数实验动物对肠毒素极不敏感。Most laboratory animals are quite insensitive to enterotoxin.

大多数实验动物对肠毒素极不敏感。Most laboratory animals are quite insensitive to enterotoxin.

希福说,有时候人们不够敏感甚至粗鲁。He says there were times when people were insensitive or rude.

中颅凹底部的硬脑膜对疼痛感觉迟钝。In the hard meninx of skull kick ministry is insensitive to ache.

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总而言之男人经常是感觉迟钝的,行为举止不文雅。All in all men are often insensitive and behave in an uncivilized manner.

总统愚鲁的言论造成一大堆疑云升起。The president's insensitive comments caused a lot of eyebrows to be raised.

介绍了钝感传爆药JHB-1的配方研究过程。The research process of insensitive booster composition JHB-1 is introduced.