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这些问题无关非现实的或可能的生物类别。They do not pertain to non-actual, possible creatures.

这里的标准将不同于其他地方适用的标准。The criteria will be different from those that pertain elsewhere.

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这些操作都属于数据库中的每个表。These are the operations that pertain to each table in the database.

还有许多事物,它们并不全备四因。Further, there are many things to which not all the principles pertain.

在此之后,确定一份有关你的公司的守则。After that, determine the compliance issues which pertain to your company.

其它危害燕麦的害虫有9个科,分属于鞘翅目、同翅目等。The other pests have 9 families, pertain to Coleoptera, Homoptera and so on.

这些方式怎样附属于人们可能做出的选择至今仍未明了。How this might pertain to choices that people might make is, as yet, unclear.

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应当注意的是,表2中所列的这些对颜色的感知都起源于西方的文化。It should be noted that the color associations in Table 2 pertain to western culture.

问卷上的问题都与月经前两周你经历的PMS症状有关。The questions pertain to any PMS symptoms you experienced during the prior two weeks.

然而,这项技术却很适合决策者的不同对象。However, this technology does pertain to a different target audience of decision makers.

由于含有硫柳汞的疫苗与该条约有关,世卫组织的立场是什么?What is WHO's position on thiomersal-containing vaccines, as they pertain to the treaty ?

我是科学院毕业的,所以我的评语可能局限于这个学院。I graduated from the college of science so my comments pertain to this part of the school.

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撤销品牌目录不适用于通用烟草公司销售的雪茄或斗烟产品。The de-listing does not pertain to the filtered cigars or pipe tobacco products sold by GT.

通过完成该操作,您就能看到只属于该时间范围的报告工具了。By doing this, you will then see metrics in the report that pertain only to that time range.

你会注意到所有的选项都是灰色不活动的。You'll notice that basically every option, most of which pertain to streaming, is grayed out.

你会注意到大多跟在线功能相关的选项都是灰色的。You’ll notice that basically every option, most of which pertain to streaming, is grayed out.

人权问题,人权价值观,到底在美国是什么样的?How does this interesting human rights, the value of human rights pertain to the United States?

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这些名词在构成他人评价的方式时都与人的动作有关。These nouns all pertain to a person's actions as they constitute a means of evaluation by others.

无压热水锅炉是近年研制的新一代锅炉。The pressureless hot-water boilers pertain to a new generation of boilers developed in recent years.

这些诗篇,都是在国家的性质和涉及广泛的分离时期,犹太人的历史。These psalms are all national in character and pertain to widely-separated periods of Jewish history.