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这个过程也将问题重重。That process, too, will be fraught.

显然这一段会充满感情的创伤。Clearly this episode will be fraught with emotion.

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这里的安全局势确实充满危险。The security situation is indeed fraught with peril.

近空间的敌对竞争充满潜在的危险。A near-space rivalry is fraught with potential dangers.

但其周末的发布却充满了戏剧性。But its release over the weekend was fraught with drama.

所以刻板印象是复杂的,会引起道德问题。So, stereotypes are complicated and morally fraught things.

但是由欧盟领导人提议的使命是充满纠纷的。But a proposed EU-led mission is fraught with complications.

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不过貌合神离的合作关系充满着许多危机。But these odd-couple relationships can be fraught with peril.

就算仅仅是跟那些大胆的出游者们挥手告别,我也得冒着生命危险。Even waving good-by to a daring traveler is fraught with perils.

爱情之路永远不可能一帆风顺,总是充满了危险。The road of love is never smooth and always fraught with dangers.

穿越热带丛林的长途旅行充满了危险。The long journey throgh the tropical forest is fraught with danger.

因此,城市及其所指便充满了多重的意义。Thus the city and its signifiers are fraught with multiple meanings.

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你曾经有没有见过一个装满了土和麦子的稻草人吗?。Have you ever seen a scarecrow fraught with naught but dust and wheat?

然而,这个转变伴随着法律和技术的挑战。Still, this transition is fraught with legal and technical challenges.

克莱诺指出,这种计算有很大困难。Mr. Klenow points out that the calculation is fraught with difficulties.

狗舍的气味是分层的,充满了绝望。The smell of the kennel was rank, the atmosphere fraught with desperation.

这个过程充满着危险,特别是在战争的气氛中。The procedure was fraught with danger, particularly so in the heat of battle.

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由于测试运行得太不频繁,它们常常充满了错误。Because you run the tests so infrequently, they are often fraught with errors.

那个时代一些遗留下来的日记和信都反映了大众当时无比不安的心理。Diaries and letters from the period reveal a populace fraught with insecurity.

在平片上很难估计右心房的大小。Estimation of right atrial size on plain radiography is fraught with difficulties.