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娜菲喜欢蓝色。Nef likes blue.

新经济基金会发现岛国的人享有更高的快乐指数排名。The NEF found that people from island nations enjoy the highest HPI rankings.

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新经济组织发现,来自岛国的人们享受着最高等级的快乐指数。The NEF found that the people from island nations enjoy the highest HPI rankings.

他主张可以把HIV病毒中的几种基因与“否因”一并移除,就能增加活疫苗的安全性。A live vaccine made from HIV, he maintains, can be made safer by removing not just the nef gene but several others as well.

而低分化或浸润性膀胱肿瘤的核平均面积,核平均最短直径和FF平均显增高。In poorly differentiated or infiltrative bladder tumors, the average nuclear area, average shortest nuclear diameter, NEF and FF were much elevated.

带小孩的父母已经有权要求更灵活的工作时间,但是新经济基金会仍然热衷于推动政府采取行动,让每一个人都拥有这个权利。Parents of young children already have the right to request more flexible work hours but the NEF is keen to push the government to make this a right for everyone.

HIV病毒除去“否因”与邻近的一些基因物质后,是否真如迪肯和他的同僚审慎暗示的一样,可以作为艾滋病疫苗的基础?Could HIV itself, stripped of nef and adjacent sections of genetic material, provide the basis for such a vaccine, as Deacon and his colleagues cautiously suggest?

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可降低豚鼠心室肌细胞动作电位振幅、静息电位,延长动作电位时程。Nef 10 μmol·L -1 could obviously reduce the resting potentials, action potential amplitude and prolong the action potential duration of guinea pig ventricular myocytes.

但是他提到,NEF的一些想法有着“强烈的凯恩斯主义色彩”,只是根据时代变化做了一些修改,因为当今时代需要同时解决“气候危机”和“信贷危机”。But he said some NEF thoughts had a "strongly Keynesian flavor," albeit adapted to times when the "climate crunch" and the "credit crunch" need to be tackled simultaneously.

NEF在英国银行体系报告中称,通过研究英国央行的数据得出结论,英国许多银行似乎面临融资困境.The NEF said it had examined Bank of England data and concluded that many UK banks appeared to face a funding cliff, as the NEF published a report on the British banking system.

新英格兰区灵长类研究中心的戴斯罗士已经证明,从SIV中除去“否因”基因后,病毒就无法使猿猴发病。Ronald Desrosiers at the New England Regional Primate Re-search Center has demonstrated that when the nef gene is removed from SIV, the virus no longer has the power to make monkeys sick.