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教区牧师的布道非常精彩。The vicar gave an excellent sermon.

教区牧师作了一次布道,宣讲赌博的危害。The vicar gave a sermon on the evils of gambling.

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他们分明是刚拜访教区长来着。They had evidently been paying a visit to the vicar.

现在海莉已经让她的牧师取消了婚礼。Now Haylie has called her vicar to cancel the wedding.

那位教区牧师向会众讲道貌岸然半个小时。The vicar preach to the congregation for half an hour.

钟要敲响了牧师是否高兴?为什么?Was the vicar pleased that the clock was striking? Why?

我们的牧师老是在为这桩或那桩事募款。Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another.

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教区牧师,我对你直爽地说上这样一些,希望您别介意。I hope you don't mind me spitting out these things to you, vicar.

你得去问一问牧师看是否愿意为你在教堂内证婚。You'll have to go and ask the vicar if he'll marry you in church.

在英国,由牧师证婚的婚姻即使没有别的仪式也是合法的。Marriage by a vicar is lawful in England without another ceremony.

最后一个牧师挖出了她的尸体,把她的头放在了房子里。Eventually a vicar exhumed the woman and placed her head in the hall.

他父亲也叫姓托马斯,是查尔顿和韦斯特波特的教区牧师。His father, also named Thomas, was the vicar of Charlton and Westport.

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主持人会从圣经中摘出几段念。Some hymns maybe sung, The vicar may read some passages from the Bible.

还有件麻烦事是有哪位牧师愿意来婚礼上征婚。The only problem seems to be finding a vicar who is willing to do the ceremony.

牧师从位于士兵身旁的他的位置上离开,走进了后房。The vicar left his position near the soldier, and disappeared into a back room.

克里斯普先生刚从牛津大学毕业,现任奇斯维克教区牧师福劳尔多先生的助理牧师。Chrisp, fresh from Oxford, and curate to the Vicar of Chiswick, the Reverend Mr.

每个教区有一个牧师负责,被称为牧师或者教区长。Each parish is in the care of a priest, who is called either a vicar or a rector.

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打着一把电筒,牧师走上了钟楼去一探究竟。Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.

一天夜里,我们的牧师被突然惊醒,大钟又在‘打点’报时了!One night, however, our vicar woke up with a star, the clock was striking the hours!

一次,在封斋节,有个年轻的助理主教来到迪涅,在天主堂里讲道。In the course of one Lent, a youthful vicar came to D----, and preached in the cathedral.