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古巴声称飞机是在古巴领空被击落的。Cuba claimed the planes were shot in its airspace.

它的使用将会使陆军的空域指挥与控制复杂化。Its use will complicate Army airspace command and control.

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矿业权是空间利用权的一种特殊类型。Mining right is a special type of the utilizable right of airspace.

这意味着市场期待已久的开放低空空域得以破冰。This means that long-awaited low-altitude airspace to the open ice.

但是基洛对利比亚领空已经得到控制很有信心。Guillaud was confident, however, that Libyan airspace was under control

中方将继续严密监视有关海空情况。The Chinese side will continue to monitor relevant waters and airspace.

当俄罗斯海军和空军使用国际海洋和空域时,俄罗斯是个威胁。When Russian Navy and AF uses intl watersand airspace -- it is a threat.

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而塔拉尼斯则是可以悄悄渗入敌军空域的潜行飞机。Taranis is a stealth vehicle that would be able to penetrate enemy airspace.

相邻机场之间飞行空域可以相互调整使用。The flight airspace of adjacent aerodromes may be adjusted for use among themselves.

最明显的是,云服务已成为2011年竞争最激烈的领域。The most obvious one is that the cloud has become the most crowded airspace in 2011.

从门厅开始,就身临一处开阔稳健的空间。Begin from hallway, face one place to widen dovish airspace with respect to the body.

没有人能够记得以前英国哪次实行过领空关闭No one can remember a time before when controlled airspace has been closed in the UK.

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美国人再次不经允许就通过了巴基斯坦的领空。The Americans yet again were about to traverse Pakistani airspace without permission.

第十四条机场飞行空域应当划设在航路和空中走廊以外。Article 14Aerodrome flight airspace shall be established off airways and air corridors.

护士船舶和飞机维护英国的领海和领空的完整性。RN Ships and aircraft safeguarding the integrity of UK Territorial Waters and Airspace.

内塔尼亚胡还说,以色列将继续控制未来巴勒斯坦国的领空。He added that Israel would continue to control the airspace of any future Palestinian state.

为了解决这种拥挤的状况,机场周围的空域被分成了几个不同扇面。To deal with such crowding, the airspace around the fields was divided into various sectors.

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除了用于人道主义目的以外的所有使用利比亚领空的飞行,将被禁止。All flights -- except those for humanitarian purposes -- will be banned from Libyan airspace.

这就是所谓的反防撞灯,所有在美国领空飞行的飞机需要。This is what is called an anti-collision light required by all aircraft flying in US airspace.

他说,美国并不寻求在伊拉克设立永久性的基地,也不想长期控制伊拉克领空。He said the United States does not seek permanent bases or long-term control of Iraqi airspace.