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你可以用魔法护甲灌输你发现。You can imbue armor with magic you found.

凯斯想要尝试的,就是把物理学引入模拟世界。Kass is trying to imbue physics into simulated worlds.

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保持微笑,这都将灌输别人的幸福和喜悦。Keep smiling and that alone will imbue others with happiness and joy.

粉将不能在发光配方中再替代一般发光物品。Dusts can no longer be used instead of normal Imbue items in imbue recipes.

壁垒城建造幸运泉,它为其防御者带来不可思议的好运。Ramparts create Fountains of Fortune to imbue its defenders with amazing luck.

大部分我们所赞赏的“大创意”都是以不可磨灭的鲜明个性影响品牌。Most of the "big ideas" we all admire imbue the brand with an indelible character.

而且除了漫画书,我想不出其他更好的办法来向他灌输这种力量和能力了。And I don't know any better way to imbue him with those powers and abilities than comic books.

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传统的教案设计以语言知识灌输为唯一目的。In the past, the sole aim of lesson design is to imbue the students with all the language points.

接下来,真正要弄清的问题是,亚洲父母是如何将这种学习动力灌输给他们的后代的。The real question, then, is how Asian parents imbue their offspring with this kind of motivation.

山水不说话,也无需证明,但从头到尾,都浸透着哲人的思辩。Mountains and rivers have no words and need no proof, but they imbue with philosopher's speculations.

我要求梅塔特隆灌注、具体化、保护并引导我的身体和我的存在,在梅塔特隆光的能量中。I ask YHWH EL to imbue , embody, protect and guide my body and my being with the energies and the Light of YHWH EL.

我想给予穿戴者建筑的灵魂,向他们灌输建筑如同是纪念的意义。I want to give the wearer the stature of buildings, to imbue them with the monumentality that a building can exude.

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我们的学校不仅传授知识,还教导学生如何解决问题,并且向他们灌输正确的道德价值观。Our schools go beyond book learning to teach students how to solve problems, and imbue them with sound moral values.

感谢奥运会,她能改变生活,传播卓越、友谊、互敬的奥林匹克理念。Thank you for these Games that will change lives and imbue the Olympic values of Excellence, Friendship and Respect.

而老科学家科普演讲团目的在于培养孩子们“科学精神”,并激发他们对科学的热情。CAS-ASPIRE is designed to give children a sense of the 'scientific spirit' and imbue them with enthusiasm for the field.

不过,R2的复杂表演还是需要肯尼·贝克来处理,而且他要给这台机器加入个性化的感觉。Still, Kenny Baker is required to handle the intricate performance of Artoo, and to imbue a sense of personality into the machine.

我们的孩子将会很自然地、日复一日地感受着数字化时代的哲学,而像我们这代年纪大一点的人就得十分用功了。Our children will imbue a digital age philosophy in a natural day to day manner, but we of the older generations must work much harder.

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科学家认为,尽管人们觉得疼痛只是单纯的生理感受,但事实上我们会赋予这种并不舒适的感觉以意义。According to the scientists, although we think of pain as purely physical in nature, in fact we imbue the unpleasant sensation with meaning.

她的“手提城市”系列展意在为几乎被全球化变得形貌相似的城市们注入人性和生命力。The series ‘Portable Cities’ attempts to imbue cities with humanity and vitality in an age when globalization has made them nearly identical.

克罗地亚在英格兰的速度和渗透面前全线溃退了,而这两样正是可怜的麦克拉伦所希望赋予英格兰的。Croatia had been undone once again by pace and penetration, the two cardinal qualities with which poor Steve McClaren intended to imbue his side.