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我主张的是有丝分裂。I'm an advocate of mitosis.

核分裂像是否易见?Can mitosis be found easily?

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染色体在有丝分裂中会重复。The chromosomes duplicated in mitosis.

在这些种类中,配子是由有丝分裂形成的。In these groups, gametes are produced by mitosis.

这些基因的一半左右参与了有丝分裂。Nearly half of these genes are involved in mitosis.

不稳定细胞循细胞周期周而复始地进行有丝分裂。Labile cells follow the cell cycle from one mitosis to the next.

有丝分裂或减数分裂的最后阶段,发生在细胞分裂后期之后。The final stage of mitosis or meiosis, occurring after anaphase.

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小孢子第一次有丝分裂形成生殖和营养细胞。The first microspore mitosis forms generative and vegetative cells.

大蒜根尖细胞有丝分裂发生异常现象的报告。Report About Abnormal Mitosis in Root Tip Cells of Allium sativum L.

知道的最清楚的可能是秋水仙碱,它影响有丝分裂。Probably the best known of these is colchicine which interferes with mitosis.

该是复制的时候了",细胞就开始进行有丝分裂It's time for you to reproduce', and so the cellular response would be mitosis.

有丝分裂就是发生在,较大的细胞周期中的一个小一点的环节Mitosis is one event that happens during this larger event called the cell cycle.

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它们的染色体没有任何变化,因为这是正常的有丝分裂过程They're not chromosomal differences because this is the ordinary process of mitosis.

体细胞通过有丝分裂增殖产生与亲本相似的子代细胞。Somatic cells divide by mitosis producing daughter cells identical to the parent cell.

植物细胞有丝分裂活动是有节律性的,受生物钟的制约。The activity of plant cell mitosis is rhythmic, and restricted to its biological clock.

用光学显微摄影系统观察统计细胞有丝分裂活性和染色体变异。Observing and counting the cell mitosis and the variation of chromosome by the microscope.

表皮生长因子具有很强的促有丝分裂和刺激合成代谢的作用。And epidermal growth factor has the effects of promoting mitosis and stimulating anabolism.

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有丝分裂是指一个亲代细胞,变为两个子细胞的有序的过程Mitosis is an orderly sequence of events by which one parent cell becomes two daughter cells.

如果有丝分裂的过程按部就班地进行,那所有细胞的DNA都是相同的If mitosis occurs the way that it's supposed to, the DNA that's in each of these cells is the same.

这些结果显示ASPM基因与细胞分裂,细胞增殖以及细胞分化有著相关性。These results suggest that ASPM gene is involved in cell mitosis , proliferation and differentiation.