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如果你没有做到,罪恶感将会扩散到更高的领域,让你感觉更加有气无力!If you done it not, a culpability diffuses high risk to paralyse you more!

需要进一步的调查去证实或是排除这名男子有罪。Further investigation will be needed to confirm or rule out the alleged culpability.

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我们没有深入研究他们法律罪责,但他们已经不再是这个党的成员了。We don't delve into their culpability under law but their membership in this party ends.

中国助理教练贾秀全认为球队应受谴责。The assistant coach of the Chinese side, Jia Xiuquan, accepted some culpability for the incident.

回过头我们再来说说那些现在才勇于正视共和党疯狂的人的过失。Which brings me to the culpability of those who are only now facing up to the G.O.P.’s craziness.

依我们看,很明显,对他们来说,他们要撇清在其中的罪责是没有借口的。And clearly, for them to kind of walk away from their culpability in this is inexcusable, in our minds.

他们影响法官来获得与人们同样的权利,而不需要承担过失或责任。They have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.

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外交官们认为这一情况也让朝鲜的主要盟友中国更加难以否认朝鲜在事件中的责任。Diplomats say it will also make it harder for North Korea ’s main ally, China, not to accept the regime’s culpability.

政府下定决心,承认自己犯错,并且向国际货币基金组织和世界银行卑躬屈膝。The government fell on its sword, accepted culpability and went cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

我国国家赔偿法对刑事赔偿归责原则的规定存在严重缺陷,应当进行彻底重构。The culpability principle of criminal compensation system in our country has serious defect, and we should carry on thorough reform.

今年三月,朝鲜发射的一枚鱼雷击沉了韩国的一艘海军舰艇-天安号,致使46人死亡,而令人难以置信的是朝鲜竟然拒不认罪。In March, when one of its torpedoes sank the Cheonan, a naval vessel, killing 46, North Korea could, albeit implausibly, deny culpability.

当前期待可能性理论研究中的认识误区在于,将期待可能性等同于规范责任论本。A common fallacy in the present researches on the theory of reasonable expectation is to identify it with the normative theory of culpability.

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每年12月5日泰国国王普密蓬·阿杜德生日前后,泰国会赦免部分年龄较大、罪责较轻的罪犯。December 5 every year King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand before and after birth, Thailand will pardon some older, lesser culpability of offenders.

通说认为,该条规定确立了我国行政赔偿的违法责任原则。The common theory believes that the stipulation of this article confirms the principle of malfeasance for culpability in administrative compensation.

公平责任应当以公平为价值目标,以直接的加害行为作为归责基础,而以衡平作为最终确定加害人损害赔偿额的手段。Fairness is deemed as the principle's value, direct injury as the base of culpability and equity as the last resort to determine the amount of damages paid by the wrongdoer.

在支配直接故意犯罪的主观罪过要素中,犯罪意志是核心,它体现了直接犯罪故意的罪过实质。The will of crime is the core among the elements controlling the crime of immediate intention which embodies the essence of culpability about the immediate criminal intention.

在报告的主要部分被公开发表前,司法部与国务院曾就瑞士的罪责问题争论数月,这些史料最终从报告中被删除。But these references are deleted, as are disputes between the Justice and State Departments over Switzerland’s culpability in the months leading up to a major report on the issue.

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他说,就算案子上庭了,原告还要收集大量的证据,来证明政府和建筑公司的过失。Even if the case were to go to trial, he said, the plaintiffs would have to gather substantial evidence to establish the culpability of the government or the construction company.

她与高宗的小女儿太平公主,便命人在西市这个人流密集的地方修建放生池,来遣放生灵,以减赎母亲的罪责。She and the little daughter Princess Taiping, commanded in the west this crowded place to build free life pond, to despatch put creatures, in order to reduce culpability for mother.