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英雄是不可复制的。Heroes are not replicable.

它的整体的成功是不容易复制。And its overall success is not easily replicable.

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具有清晰、明了、易于控制、可复制的特点。It has clear, controllable and replicable characteristic.

比如说,改变表属性不能用这个快捷键重做。For instance, changing table properties is not replicable via this shortcut.

总之,可复制的声音之间发生了惨烈的竞争,结果品质最高的胜出。In sum, the highest-quality replicable sounds would crowd out the poorer ones.

要以正己为基础,成为学生的表率。They should become a model replicable to students on a basis of self-disciplining.

在三种功能中,只有排序功能在数据阅读器模式有些重复。Of these three functionalities, only sorting is somehow replicable in data reader mode.

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虽然已经收集了一些相关珍稀,濒危,受威胁物种的数据信息,但是,对于此。Although data is collected for RTE species, there is no clear replicable programme for the.

这意味着其他研究团队能够更加快捷迅速地复制和检验发表的科研结果。This means that reported findings are more readily replicable and checkable by other teams of researchers.

本发明还描述含有该基因的质粒,其在肠杆菌科细菌中可自主复制。A plasmid containing the gene which is autonomously replicable in Enterobacteriaceae bacteria is also described.

重复的入口适合所有的房间,墙壁和天花板则能定义所有的空间。A replicable opening, suited for all purposes is chosen, and a wall and ceiling finishing is defined for all spaces.

产生一个借助于分布式创新的可复制模式,广泛用于一批低碳技术。producing a replicable model for a broad suite of low-carbon technologies that could benefit from distributed innovation.

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中新双方应当共同努力,密切合作,真正把天津生态城建设成可复制、可推广、可持续的示范项目。China and Singapore should join hands closely to make the Tianjin Eco-city a replicable and sustainable demonstration project.

他还说,“如果你听命于最有权力的十个人,那么同一时间你只能做一两件事,未来是要注重的是协作精神和团队精神,而作决策的过程要是可以复制的,以便决策的规模更大,效率更高,灵活性更多。”The future is about collaboration and teamwork and making decisions with a replicable process that offers scale, speed, and flexibility.

目的探索有效、可推广并适合中国国情的艾滋病防治多部门合作促进模式。Objective To explore an effective, replicable model of multi-sectoral coordination of AIDS prevention and care based on the situation of China.

另外,本文建立的选址模型具有可推广性,可有效解决服务对象为道路上的顾客流的一类设施的选址问题。In addition, this model is replicable and can be an effective solution to location problem of facility whose target is customer flow on the path.

农发基金中具有重要作用的发展模式复制到项目活动,并充当催化剂,具有深远的创新变革。IFAD has an important role in developing replicable models through project activities and it acts as a catalyst for far-reaching innovative change.

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纽约地区是基金会用于实现这些可仿拟方案的实验室,这些方案将促进和推动全球可持续性的转变。The New York region is their laboratory for implementing replicable solutions that will inspire and facilitate a global transition to sustainability.

概率时间表从可重复的风险登记簿创建,这改善了项目智能、减少了错误并使流程可复制。Probabilistic schedules are created from repeatable risk registers, resulting in better project intelligence, reduced errors and replicable processes.

为了克服传统负载均衡策略的缺陷,本文提出了一种高效的基于可复制资源的分布式负载均衡策略。In order to deal with the shortcomings of traditional schemes, a novel efficient distributed load-balancing scheme based on replicable resource was proposed.