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证据证明,还在早期时,就存在精密复杂的施肥系统。there is evidence of sophisticated fertilisation from early on.

当他们准备受精时,精子和卵子必须各放出一个副本。Sperm and eggs must lose one copy each as they prepare for fertilisation.

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这家伙的头都没有了,但是,交配仍然在进行。Fertilisation can still take place without the bloke mantis's head, though.

20年后,英国人类受精和胚胎管理局成立。The UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority was founded 20 years later.

这项技术是基于现存的试管受精技术的一个中间环节。The technique is derived from a procedure already used during in vitro fertilisation.

在没有水的环境之下,受精便不会发生。Since the sperm must swim to the archegonium, fertilisation cannot occur without water.

不过英国的人类受精和胚胎学管理局将在某些研究中允许给卵细胞授精。Britain's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, however, will allow it in certain cases.

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如果你仅有一个健康的精子,除了将它用于受精外,你绝对不愿意将它另作他用。If you only hae one healthy sperm you would be reluctant to use it for anything but fertilisation.

如果你仅有一个健康的精子,除了将它用于受精外,你绝对不愿意将它另作他用。If you only have one healthy sperm you would be reluctant to use it for anything but fertilisation.

在种子园中,常常有某种程度的自花传粉和随后地自花授精。Self-pollination, and subsequently self- fertilisation , in orchards always takes place to some extent.

据报道,席琳迪翁第六次人工受精试验成功,已经怀上了一对双胞胎。Singer Celine Dion is reportedly pregnant with twins after her sixth attempt at in-vitro fertilisation.

目前,许多45岁以上的妇女只能凑合着用年轻女人的卵细胞进行体外受精。Currently, many women over 45 have to make do with in-vitro fertilisation using the egg of a younger woman.

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施肥效应与酸化效应有利于草、荆棘和荨麻等常见侵略性物种的生长。The effects of fertilisation and acidification favour common aggressive species like grasses, brambles and nettles.

尽管英国每年实施体外受精的由超过4万例,只有1万例成功生育。Although more than 40, 000 in vitro fertilisation cycles are prescribed in Britain each year, only 10, 000 births result.

1982年,一位为竹脚医院工作的医生发起“体外受精-胚胎移植”计划。In 1982 a doctor attached to the Kandang Kerbau Hospital initiated the In Vitro Fertilisation and Embryo Replacement Programme.

中国加强了对科学家和临床医生应用诸如体外受精等生殖技术的管理。China has tightened its rules on how researchers and clinicians can use reproductive technologies such as in-vitro fertilisation.

之所以指纹被用来识别身份,是因为在受精完成24周后指纹就会完全形成,并且在人此后的一生都不会改变。They are used for identification because they are fully formed 24 weeks after fertilisation and do not change throughout our lives.

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人类受精和胚胎学权威部门发言人说个体之间的“非正式“精子捐赠却是不合法。"Unofficial" sperm donation between individuals is not illegal, a spokesman for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority said.

求偶场一个特别类型的一夫多妻的交配系统,在那里聚集雄性展示与雌性为了受精参与。A special kind of polygynous mating system where aggregated males display and females attend primarily for the purpose of fertilisation.

这种结果的根源也许在于不可避免的种族与文化的交融和相互渗透,而是特劳斯家族正是其中一个例证。One reason for this may lie in the inevitable cross- fertilisation of races and cultures, of which the Strauss family provides an example.