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我们刚才提到了歌剧?Did we say operatic?

蒙蒂维迪是第一个伟大的歌剧作曲家。Monteverdi was the first great operatic composer.

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人声部分从黑暗到女声再到男声歌剧咏唱等风格都有。Vocal styles range from black to female to male operatic.

除歌剧咏叹调外,独唱歌曲允许移调演唱。Except Operatic Aria, transposing is allowed or solo pieces.

他的新作品,组合了交响乐、合唱与歌剧的各种成分。His new work combines symphonic choral and operatic elements.

该剧已成为中国最具有代表性的一部歌剧经典。Zan Yuen has become the most representative operatic classic in China.

施密特一向深思熟虑,常常出语温和,他不太可能像盖茨这么张扬。Thoughtful and often soft-spoken, Schmidt isn't likely to go so operatic.

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声乐曲中旋律线上的精致的装饰音,特别是歌剧中女高音的演唱。Elaborate coloration of the melodic line, especially in operatic singing by a soprano.

昆腔是几大戏曲声腔之一,在明代发展很快。Kunqu is one of the several operatic tunes developed very quickly in the Ming dynasty.

这是电视观众最喜爱的一个中国故事的歌剧版本。It was the operatic version of the Chinese costume melodramas so loved by television audiences.

大师梅塔以他平易近人的性格以及善于出色指挥歌剧演出而闻名。A truly universal personality, Maestro Mehta is equally renowned for his brilliant operatic performances.

贝多芬称他是「我们之中最伟大的」,倾听古典音乐宗师欢乐明亮的旋律和壮丽的圣咏。Beethoven called him the 'greatest among us all'. His melodies are filled with operatic drama and magnificence.

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卡雷拉斯退出之后,“世界三大男高音”就只剩下比他小六岁的多明戈依然活跃在歌剧舞台上。Carreras's departure from the opera leaves only Domingo, who is six years his senior, performing operatic roles.

莎拉布莱曼是一个才华横溢的演员和歌手,她的嗓音能发挥到歌剧的水准。Sarah Brightman is a talented performer and singer, who has the ability to raise her voice to an operatic level.

意大利除了是名牌集中地外,还是一处美不胜收的音乐培养胜地。More than just one of Italy's most beautiful regions, Tuscany also produced two of the greatest operatic composers.

比如说,柯文特花园的垃圾箱是歌剧类的,而英场的垃圾箱则充满与体育运动相关的声音。For example, Covent Garden's bin is operatic and the bin by Lord's Cricket Ground is filled with sport-related sounds.

因此他十分珍惜这一难得的机会,拍摄中从文戏到武戏,每个动作、每场戏都一丝不苟。He treasure this rare opportunity, shooting from the text to the operatic drama, every movement, every show is meticulous.

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有歌剧般的震撼、乡村、古典和世界音乐的旋律与节拍融为一场丰盛的飨宴。There are operatic bursts, pop, folk, classical and ethnic melodies and rhythms all blended together like a lavish banquet.

本演出乃重现宋元南戏遗响「梨园戏」之小梨园,以传统南乐典雅古朴的「唱腔」与七子戏柔美细腻的「科步」为该团演出之特色。This performance reappears the small operatic circle of the sound of the operatic circle opera left by Song and Yuan Dynasties.

梨园内,唐明皇和杨贵妃教梨园弟子弹琴唱曲,贵妃率弟子在芙蓉花中翩翩起舞。In operatic garden, Emperor Tang and his beauty Yang taught operatic disciples how to perform musical instrument and sing songs.