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小洞不补,大洞难堵。A small cave or cavern.

看真理闪躲,万劫不复。See skulking Truth to her old cavern fled.

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当更多的血挤进来时,微小的蓄水池就胀大。As more blood is forced in, the tiny cavern swells.

冗长的光阴像是一条阴晦湿润的闷热洞穴。The long time is a darkness moist sultry cavern likely.

非常的黑暗,在洞里我安全帽的头灯就像渺小的蜡烛。It is dark and my cap lamp is a tiny candle in a cavern.

摧毁这个无知窟窖,那罪恶渊薮也就毁灭掉了。Destroy the cavern Ignorance and you destroy the lair Crime.

我们在那里发现了一个有两间房大的洞窟。There we found a cavern which was large enough for two rooms.

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我的烟草抽光了,我到山洞里去取一些,发现那里有一条响尾蛇。I went to the cavern to get some, and found a rattlesnake in there.

奎托斯沿着山崖进入了提丰所在的洞穴。Kratos traverses the mountain cliffs and makes his way to Typhon's Cavern.

“夏帕”案涉及内华达州魔鬼洞洞穴的一个地下水池。Cappaert involved an underground pool in the Devil's Hole Cavern in Nevada.

数百年来,这尊雕像被深埋于一个地下洞穴中。For hundreds of years the statue had remained buried in an underground cavern.

而储气库洞室的形状也会使围岩有不同的稳定性。The shape of the gas storage cavern in the rock will have different stability.

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在我们还没有认识山洞时,我们能说已经认清山了吗?Do we really know the mountain well when we are not acquainted with the cavern?

它们发出的是像一个发光的,烟熏,蓝绿色云悬浮在一个黑色的洞穴。They glowed like a luminous, smoky, green-blue cloud suspended in a black cavern.

提出了盐层水溶建腔优化设计的原则和方法。Principle and method were given for optimizing designing of solution mined cavern.

本发明是一种人造溶洞及岩溶地貌制作工艺。This invention presents a making technique of artificial cavern and karst landform.

洞穴探险者从岩石缝里挤身过去,来到一个巨大的洞里。Squeezing through a cleft in the rocks, the pot-holers arrived at an enormous cavern.

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探险队发现了一批二战时期日本人藏在山洞里的黄金。The expedition found a batch of gold hided in a cavern by Japanese in the Second War.

从红墙洞穴水晶疾速和哈瓦苏溪大理石峡谷和逾越!From the Redwall Cavern to Crystal Rapid and Havasu Creek to Marble Canyon and beyond!

跟众神作对的所有泰坦巨人中,只有一个没被关进洞穴。All but one of the Titans who had fought against the gods were imprisoned in this cavern.