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添加新蔵养殖厂!Added new Kura farming plant!

库那的每一家餐馆都是高度的自动化。Each Kura store is also highly automated.

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仅仅在过去的两个月,库那又新增了7加连锁店。In the last two months alone, Kura has added seven stores.

苏联欧洲部分东南部一城市,位于库拉河边巴库西北偏西。A city of southeast European U. S. S. R. on the Kura River west-northwest of Baku.

80年代还出现了完全用毛利语授课的学校“毛利学校”。The1980s have also seen the advent of schools operating totally in maori kura kaupapa maori.

库那设置了一个集中控制中心,在餐馆内安装摄像头,两者直接视频连接,而不用在每一家餐馆安排负责人。Instead of placing supervisors at each restaurant, Kura set up central control centers with video links to the stores.

科纳申科夫说,导弹在规定时间准确击中位于堪察加半岛库拉试验场上的预定目标。Kona Cove said that the missile accurately hit the specified time Kura testing ground in Kamchatka Peninsula, the intended target.

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像其他低成本的餐厅连锁店一样,库那以低价格和追求的高效率抵抗住了人们外出用餐下降的趋势。Along with other low-cost restaurant chains, Kura has bucked the dining-out slump with low prices and a dogged pursuit of efficiency.

库那在每个新餐厅都安装了最新的自动化系统,这项投资花费了10亿日元,但省去了劳动力开支。Kura spends 10 million yen to fit each new restaurant with the latest automation systems, an investment it says pays off in labor cost savings.

“我们现在看到你们的寿司餐盘的间隔超过了一米,请立即处理”,一位经理刚刚通过电话对距离10米远的一家库那餐厅说道。“We see gaps of over a meter between your sushi plates — please fix, ” a manager said recently by telephone to a Kura restaurant 10 miles away.

明盖塞乌尔水库坐落于库那河流域位于大高加索山脉东北方和小高加索山脉西南面之间的一处地质凹陷。The Mingachevir Reservoir occupies part of the Kura Basin, a topographic depression located between the Greater Caucasus Mountains to the northeast and the Lesser Caucasus Mountains to the southwest.